Please be a responsible pet owner, or don’t get a pet A lady - TopicsExpress


Please be a responsible pet owner, or don’t get a pet A lady had spent an hour of her own time at the vet’s office. A beautiful, little old cat that had somehow ended up a shelter had to be euthanized. She was extremely thin and she was being treated to Upper Respiratory infection. She had not been eating, as thin as she was, and the vet was sure there were other underlying problems that they were not aware of, not the least of which was being abandoned, on her own for they didn’t know how long. It is very difficult to understand why people think cats NEED to go outside. They do not need to go outside, especially on their own. The dangers of the outside are just too great. Wildlife, dogs, cars any number of circumstances can cause harm or kill your cat. Innocent wildlife such as birds are also at risk of being killed by outdoor cats. Does anyone have any idea what it’s like driving to work and seeing a dead cat on the road or the side of the road? All because people let their cats outside! People seem to think that cats can fend for themselves and even go so far as to treat them like “second class”. Cats need as much care and love as another pet including dogs. They are not the “independent” animals people seem to think they are. We domesticated them to be “companion” animals. Spring and summer are traditionally “kitten” seasons. Some people that get a cat never take it to the vet for deworming, shots, spay/neuter and then they have kittens. Well, what should we do with the kittens? Take them to the Humane Society! People love kittens, they’ll find them homes. Yes, they will find them homes, only after they have dewormed them, given them all their vaccinations and had them spay or neutered. If you want to own a pet, and do not adopt from humane society/shelter/rescue, PLEASE look after them properly: deworm, vaccinate and please – spay or neuter. If all of you see the preceding paragraph are dollar signs, then do everyone a favour: DONT GET A PET!!! Humane societies, shelters and rescues are not dumping grounds for your unwanted pets. These organization do serve a purpose, but they do not exist for irresponsible pet owners who can’t be bothered looking after their pets properly. In closing, here is some advice: ADOPT – DON’T SHOP SPAY OR NEUTER SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SHELTER/HUMANE SOCIETY OR ANIMAL RESCUE!!!
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 18:46:52 +0000

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