Please be mindful that in confronting the intended legislation of - TopicsExpress


Please be mindful that in confronting the intended legislation of mass uncontrolled GMOs in our country and in Africa as a whole, propaganda is and should be our least tool. Rather, we are to inform and to tell the truth to our people; we are to educate the people. In case you are in doubt and require further clarity, the Professor Michael Gyamerah made it simple when he said; ...we are not against genetically engineered crops per se. If we can genetically engineer a crop to produce more essential amino acids in a staple or be drought resistant we will be all for it. What we are against is the herbicide resistant genetically modified and terminator seeds that force farmers to buy and be dependent on herbicides and new seeds each planting season produced by the Monsatos of this world and thus destroy our own seeds handed over to us by our forebears. And in any case the type of genetic engineering required to increase essential amino acids or improve drought resistance can be done by our own scientists if the GoG was prepared to fund the research. More importantly the safety of the genetically modified corn, soybeans etc is a serious problem that is being hidden from our people. The problem with food production in Ghana is not what the Monsanto and & Co., are promoting. Post-harvest losses, storage and processing of food and agricultural produce to increase shell-life are our problems. Problems that these agro-businesses are not interested in. Not only, do they want to introduce this new type of imperialism which controls our source of food but also put our health in danger!!! A perfect weapon for the neo-colonialists...(Professor Michael Gyamerah: 23/10/2013) God bless the minds of those in our continuous struggles to liberate our people. This is a part of our quest for “Economic Freedom Now” Thank you. Cornelius Wussah.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 09:47:26 +0000

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