Please beware of Ugandan women on the make they can be very - TopicsExpress


Please beware of Ugandan women on the make they can be very devious and convincing . I met a young lady on Facebook who works for a Safari firm in Kampala. I have known her now for about 4 years . We become very close friends and about this time last year she persuaded me to book a safari for February of this year. The more we chated the more I discovered about her, she had to share a bedoom with 3 male nephews one of which was 15 . As she was only earning 50$ a month at the safari firm she could not move out on her own. I offered to pay her rent on an apartment on the proviso that I could stay over when I visited Uganda. So in January she moved out into her own apartment. I payed to furnish it for her and all seamed to go well . The Safari proved to be awesome one of the best expeariances of my life and I became hooked on Uganda and wanted to go back . My friend and I where looking into starting an orphanage/guesthouse together but after getting outline plans etc drawn up and a feasability study we decided against it. My friend sugested we buy a safari vehicle together to rent out, so I took out a loan and we bought the vehicle on the uderstanding that it be registered in my name and after the loan payments had been deducted we woukd share the remainder. My first mistake was bcause i was told the car could only be registered to someone living in Uganda, I let my friend, (who I trusted) register it in her name. The first 2 months seamed to go well the car brought in 650 pounds and 500 pounds . However the costs I had been originally given where not right and a lot more than I had been led to believe. I got part of the loan money from the first month. But nothing since, there always seams to be some problem that needs sorting. I have now payed a full years rent for my dear friend. I have payed for most of her food, her medical bills, and vertually anything she needed. I bought her a new phone and a tablet. In August/September she asked if I could buy her a plot of ground to build a house on .I agreed on the understanding that I could stay there when I came to visit Uganda. The car could pay for both loans . Now acouple of weeks ago she got a boy friend . I was so plsd for her at last . However I soon discovered that I would obviously not be able to stay over any more . This was understandable but when I sugested she sell the land and pay me back she has refused . I have suported and trusted her for nearly a whole year . Now no more she has even bloked me on fb. She has gone and I have nothing just two large loans to pay . So please beware.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 13:12:51 +0000

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