Please call your Member of Congress right away at 202-224-3121. - TopicsExpress


Please call your Member of Congress right away at 202-224-3121. Tell them to stop this deal while there’s still time! (Need to look up the name of your Representative? See below: Other 98% Update: The vote on the congressional spending bill has been DELAYED! That means there’s still time to kill this corrupt bill. Some members of Congress are once again doing Wall Streets bidding -- and putting the economy at risk. Hidden inside the year-end spending bill (called the “Cromnibus”) is language literally written by Citibank lobbyists. This sneaky provision would invite a new wave of reckless Wall Street gambling, and undermines a key reform meant to prevent future bailouts. Please call your Member of Congress right away at 202-224-3121. Tell them to stop this deal while there’s still time! (Need to look up the name of your Representative? Click here!) Here’s a sample message: “I’m a constituent. My name is ________. Im asking Rep ________ to vote NO on the Cromnibus. My biggest concern with the Cromnibus is Section 630, which is language written by Citigroup. It lowers costs for Wall Street at the expense of taxpayers. Dont side with Wall Street against Main Street. Please vote AGAINST the omnibus.” Can you take one minute right now, and help stop Wall Street from blowing a huge hole in the law designed to prevent another financial crisis? This isn’t all that’s wrong with the bill. Here’s three more reasons this deal is an outrage: 1. Limits on political donations will go from $32,400 per $324,000 per year. A TEN FOLD INCREASE! 2. It cuts $300 million from student Pell pay private contractors 3. It overturns a vote by 70% of D.C.’s residents to legalize weed in the nation’s capitol. Time is running out. Call your Member of Congress at 202-224-3121. When you’re done making your call, let us know how it went on Facebook! In solidarity, John Sellers, The Other 98% Other 98% Action is fighting the stranglehold that corporations have on our democracy. Like what we do? Make a $5 donation to support us here.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 02:45:09 +0000

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