Please call your Reps and urge them to vote Boehner out of the - TopicsExpress


Please call your Reps and urge them to vote Boehner out of the Speaker position. The goal of this event is to replace John Boehner as Speaker of the House on January 6, 2015, when the 114th Congress meets for the first time. At least 30 Republican votes opposing Boehner are needed. We are asking that the following strategic plan is followed, beginning on Monday morning and all the way up to Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. • Find your state. If your Representative is on the list, call his/her office and demand a vote against Boehner for Speaker. (Please note: only Republicans are on the list) • Call Boehners office and demand he resign as Speaker. • Strategically, contact as many more Representatives as you can from the list and demand that they vote against Boehner for Speaker. The names with the asterisks next to them are the ones that are most likely to not vote for Boehner. There is an explanation for each asterisk in parentheses. If you have the time to make extra calls, we strongly suggest calling the names with asterisks first. IF YOU CANNOT GET THROUGH ON A REPRESENTATIVES DIRECT NUMBER, CALL THE SWITCHBOARD AND ASK TO BE TRANSFERRED TO THE REPRESENTATIVES OFFICE. SWITCHBOARD # 202-224-3121 ALABAMA District # -- Name -- Phone 1 Byrne, Bradley 202-225-4931 2 Roby, Martha 202-225-2901 3 Rogers, Mike *** 202-225-3261 (Rogers voted against the CRomnibus bill) 4 Aderholt, Robert 202-225-4876 5 Brooks, Mo *** 202-225-4801 (Brooks voted against the CRomnibus bill) 6 Palmer, Gary*** 202-225-4921 (Palmer is newly-elected. On the campaign trail, he promised to fire Boehner as Speaker) ALASKA District # -- Name -- Phone At Large Young, Don 202-225-5765 ARIZONA District # -- Name -- Phone 2 McSally, Martha*** 202-225-2542 (McSally is newly-elected. She has not taken a public position against Boehner but shes being pressured by supporters to vote against him) 4 Gosar, Paul A*** 202-225-2315 (Gosar did not vote for Boehner the last time he ran for Speaker.and in November he said hed oppose Boehner again) 5 Salmon, Matt *** 202-225-2635 (Salmon voted against the CRomnibus bill) 6 Schweikert, David*** 202-225-2190 (Schweikert voted against the CRomnibus bill) 8 Franks, Trent *** 202-225-4576 (Franks voted against the CRomnibus bill) ARKANSAS District # -- Name -- Phone 1 Crawford, Rick *** 202-225-4076 (Crawford voted against the CRomnibus bill) 2 Hill, French*** 202-225-2506 (Hill is newly-elected. He has not taken a public position against Boehner but he ran a campaign as a Conservative) 3 Womack, Steve 202-225-4301 4 Westerman, Bruce 202-225-3772 CALIFORNIA District # -- Name -- Phone 1 LaMalfa, Doug *** 202-225-3076 (LaMalfa voted against the CRomnibus bill) 4 McClintock, Tom*** 202-225-2511 (McClintock, voted against the CRomnibus bill) 8 Cook, Paul 202-225-5861 10 Denham, Jeff 202-225-4540 21 Valadao, David 202-225-4695 22 Nunes, Devin 202-225-2523 23 McCarthy, Kevin 202-225-2915 25 Knight, Steve 202-225-1956 39 Royce, Ed 202-225-4111 42 Calvert, Ken 202-225-1986 45 Walters, Mimi 202-225-5611 48 Rohrabacher, Dana*** 202-225-2415 (Rohrabacher voted against the CRomnibus bill) 49 Issa, Darrell 202-225-3906 50 Hunter, Duncan D. 202-225-5672 COLORADO District # -- Name -- Phone 3 Tipton, Scott 202-225-4761 4 Buck, Ken*** 202-225-4676 (Buck is newly-elected. He hasnt opposed Boehner publicly but he was a Tea Party candidate.) 5 Lamborn, Doug*** 202-225-4422 (Lamborn voted against the CRomnibus bill) 6 Coffman, Mike 202-225-7882 CONNECTICUT & DELAWARE No Republicans Elected in these two states FLORIDA District # -- Name -- Phone 1 Miller, Jeff *** 202-225-4136 (Miller voted against the CRomnibus bill) 3 Yoho, Ted*** 202-225-5744 (Yoho voted against Boehner for Speaker in the last election) 4 Crenshaw, Ander*** 202-225-2501 (Crenshaw voted against the CRomnibus bill) 6 DeSantis, Ron *** 202-225-2706 (DeSantis voted against the CRomnibus bill) 7 Mica, John 202-225-4035 8 Posey, Bill *** 202-225-3671 (Posey voted against the CRomnibus bill) 10 Webster, Daniel *** 202-225-2176 (Webster voted against the CRomnibus bill) 11 Nugent, Richard 202-225-1002 12 Bilirakis, Gus M. 202-225-5755 13 Jolly, David 202-225-5961 15 Ross, Dennis 202-225-1252 16 Buchanan, Vern 202-225-5015 17 Rooney, Tom 202-225-5792 19 Clawson,Curt *** 202-225-2536 (Clawson voted against the CRomnibus bill) 25 Diaz-Balart, Mario 202-225-4211 26 Curbelo, Carlos 202-225-2778 27 Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana 202-225-3931 GEORGIA District # -- Name -- Phone 1 Carter, Buddy 202-225-5831 3 Westmoreland, Lynn A. 202-225-5901 6 Price, Tom 202-225-4501 7 Woodall, Robert 202-225-4272 8 Scott, Austin *** 202-225-6531 (Scott voted against the CRomnibus bill) 9 Collins, Doug 202-225-9893 10 Hice, Jody***. 202-225-4101 (Hice is newly-elected. He promised on the campaign trail to fire Boehner from his job as Speaker) 11 Loudermilk, Barry*** 202-225-2931 (Loudermilk is newly-elected. He voted against Boehner for speaker in a voice vote when caucasing) 12 Allen, Rick 202-225-2823 14 Graves, Tom 202-225-5211 HAWAII No Republicans elected in this state. IDAHO District # -- Name -- Phone 1 Labrador, Raul R.*** 202-225-6611 (He is a Tea Party Leader and frequent critic of Boehner) 2 Simpson, Mike 202-225-5531 ILLINOIS District # -- Name -- Phone 6 Roskam, Peter J. 202-225-4561 10 Dold, Robert 202-225-4835 12 Bost, Mike 202-225-5661 13 Davis, Rodney 202-225-2371 14 Hultgren, Randy 202-225-2976 15 Shimkus, John 202-225-5271 16 Kinzinger, Adam 202-225-3635 18 Schock, Aaron 202-225-6201 INDIANA District # -- Name -- Phone 2 Walorski, Jackie 202-225-3915 3 Stutzman, Marlin*** 202-225-4436 (Stutzmanvoted against the CRomnibus bill) 4 Rokita, Todd 202-225-5037 5 Brooks, Susan W. 202-225-2276 6 Messer, Luke 202-225-3021 8 Bucshon, Larry 202-225-4636 9 Young, Todd 202-225-5315 IOWA District # -- Name -- Phone 1 Blum, Rod 202-225-2911 3 Young, David 202-225-5476 4 King, Steve *** 202-225-4426 (King is a staunch opponent of Amnesty. But, he’s undecided about opposing Boehner for Speaker.) KANSAS District # -- Name -- Phone 1 Huelskamp, Tim*** 202-225-2715 ( Huelskamp previously voted against Boehner for Speaker. He also voted against the CRomnibus bill) ) 2 Jenkins, Lynn 202-225-6601 3 Yoder, Kevin 202-225-2865 4 Pompeo, Mike *** 202-225-6216 (Pompeo voted against the CRomnibus bill) KENTUCKY District # -- Name -- Phone 1 Whitfield, Ed 202-225-3115 2 Guthrie, S. Brett 202-225-3501 4 Massie, Thomas*** 202-225-3465 ( Massie previously voted against Boehner for Speaker) 5 Rogers, Harold 202-225-4601 6 Barr, Andy 202-225-4706 LOUSIANA District # -- Name -- Phone 1 Scalise, Steve 202-225-3015 3 Boustany Charles 202-225-2031 4 Fleming, John *** 202-225-277 (Fleming voted against the CRomnibus bill) 5 Abraham, Ralph 202-225-8490 6 Graves, Garret 202-225-3901 MAINE District # -- Name -- Phone 2 Poliquin, Bruce 202-225-6306 MARYLAND District # -- Name -- Phone 1 Harris, Andy 202-225-5311 MASSACHUSETTS No Republicans elected in this state. MICHIGAN District # -- Name -- Phone 1 Benishek, Dan 202-225-4735 2 Huizenga, Bill 202-225-4401 3 Amash, Justin *** 202-225-3831 (Amash previously voted against Boehner for Speaker. He also voted against the CRomnibus bill) 4 Moolenaar, John 202-225-3561 6 Upton, Fred 202-225-3761 7 Walberg, Tim 202-225-6276 8 Bishop, Mike 202-225-4872 10 Miller, Candice 202-225-2106 11 Trott, Dave 202-225-8171 MINNESOTA District # -- Name -- Phone 2 Kline, John 202-225-2271 3 Paulsen, Erik 202-225-2871 6 Emmer, Tom*** 202-225-2331 (Emmer is newly-elected, He represents a very Conservative district. But, he hasnt made it clear if he will oppose Boehner) MISSISSIPPI District # -- Name -- Phone 1 Nunnelee, Alan 202-225-4306 3 Harper, Gregg 202-225-5031 4 Palazzo, Steven 202-225-5772 MISSOURI District # -- Name -- Phone 2 Wagner, Ann 202-225-1621 3 Luetkemeyer, Blaine 202-225-2956 4 Hartzler, Vicky 202-225-2876 6 Graves, Sam 202-225-7041 7 Long, Billy 202-225-6536 8 Smith, Jason 202-225-4404 MONTANA District # -- Name -- Phone At Large Zinke, Ryan 202-225-3211 NEBRASKA District # -- Name -- Phone 1 Fortenberry, Jeff 202-225-4806 3 Smith, Adrian 202-225-6435 NEVADA District # -- Name -- Phone 2 Amodei, Mark 202-225-6155 3 Heck, Joe 202-225-3252 4 Cresent, Hardy 202-225-9894 NEW HAMPSHIRE District # -- Name -- Phone 1 Guinta, Frank 202-225-5456 NEW JERSEY District # -- Name -- Phone 2 LoBiondo, Frank 202-225-6572 3 MacArthur, Tom 202-225-4765 4 Smith, Chris*** 202-225-3765 (Smith voted against the CRomnibus bill) 5 Garrett, Scott*** 202-225-4465 (Garrett voted against the CRomnibus bill) 7 Lance, Leonard 202-225-5361 11 Frelinghuysen, Rodney 202-225-5034 NEW MEXICO District # -- Name -- Phone 2 Pearce, Steve*** 202-225-2365 (He previously voted against Boehner for the speakership) NEW YORK District # -- Name -- Phone 1 Zeldin, Lee 202-225-3826 2 King, Pete 202-225-7896 19 Gibson, Chris 202-225-5614 21 Stefanik, Elise 202-225-4611 22 Hanna, Richard 202-225-3665 23 Reed, Tom 202-225-3161 24 Katko, John 202-225-3701 27 Collins, Chris 202-225-5265 NORTH CAROLINA District # -- Name -- Phone 2 Ellmers, Renee 202-225-4531 3 Jones, Walter B.*** 202-225-3415 (He previously voted against Boehner for Speaker. Also, in November he said he will oppose Boehner again) 5 Foxx, Virginia 202-225-2071 6 Walker, Mark*** 202-225-3065 (Walker is newly elected. He promised on the campaign trail that he will fire Boehner as Speaker) 7 David, Rouzer 202-225-2731 8 Hudson, Richard 202-225-3715 9 Pittenger, Robert 202-225-1976 10 McHenry, Patrick T. 202-225-2576 11 Meadows, Mark*** 202-225-6401 (Meadows voted against the CRomnibus bill) 13 Holding, George 202-225-3032 NORTH DAKOTA District # -- Name -- Phone At Large Cramer, Kevin 202-225-2611 OHIO District # -- Name -- Phone 1 Chabot, Steve 202-225-2216 2 Wenstrup, Brad 202-225-3164 4 Jordan, Jim*** 202-225-2676 (Jordan voted against the CRomnibus bill) 5 Latta, Robert E. 202-225-6405 6 Johnson, Bill 202-225-5705 7 Gibbs, Bob 202-225-6265 8 Boehner, John A. 202-225-6205 10 Turner, Michael 202-225-6465 12 Tiberi, Pat 202-225-5355 14 Joyce, David 202-225-5731 15 Stivers, Steve 202-225-2015 16 Renacci, Jim 202-225-3876 OKLAHOMA District # -- Name -- Phone 1 Bridenstine, Jim*** 202-225-2211 (He previously voted against Boehner for Speaker. He also voted against the CRomnibus bil) 2 Mullin, Markwayne 202-225-2701 3 Lucas, Frank 202-225-5565 4 Cole, Tom 202-225-6165 5 Russell, Steve 202-225-2132 OREGON District # -- Name -- Phone 2 Walden, Greg 202-225-6730 PENNSYLVANIA District # -- Name -- Phone 3 Kelly, Mike 202-225-5406 4 Perry, Scott*** 202-225-5836 (Perry voted against the CRomnibus bill) 5 Thompson, Glenn 202-225-5121 6 Costello, Ryan 202-225-4315 7 Meehan, Pat 202-225-2011 8 Fitzpatrick, Michael G. 202-225-4276 9 Shuster, Bill 202-225-2431 10 Marino, Tom 202-225-3731 11 Barletta, Lou 202-225-6511 12 Rothfus, Keith 202-225-2065 15 Dent, Charles W. 202-225-6411 16 Pitts, Joseph R. 202-225-2411 18 Murphy, Tim 202-225-2301 RHODE ISLAND No Republicans elected in this state. SOUTH CAROLINA District # -- Name -- Phone 1 Sanford, Mark*** 202-225-3176 (Sanford voted against the CRomnibus bill) 2 Wilson, Joe 202-225-2452 3 Duncan, Jeff*** 202-225-5301 (Duncan voted against the CRomnibus bill) 4 Gowdy, Trey*** 202-225-6030 (Gowdy voted against the CRomnibus bill) 5 Mulvaney, Mick*** 202-225-550 (He is a Tea Party leader and frequent critic of Boehner. He also voted against the CRomnibus bill) 7 Rice, Tom*** 202-225-9895 (He voted against the CRomnibus bill) SOUTH DAKOTA District # -- Name -- Phone At Large Noem, Kristi 202-225-2801 TENNESSEE District # -- Name -- Phone 1 Roe, Phil 202-225-6356 2 Duncan, John*** 202-225-5435 (He voted against the CRomnibus bill) 3 Fleischmann, Chuck 202-225-3271 4 DesJarlais, Scott*** 202-225-6831 (He voted against the CRomnibus bill) 6 Black, Diane 202-225-4231 7 Blackburn, Marsha*** 202-225-2811 (She voted against the CRomnibus bill) 8 Fincher, Stephen 202-225-4714 TEXAS District # -- Name -- Phone 1 Gohmert, Louie*** 202-225-3035 (He previously voted against Boehner for Speaker, and in November he said he will vote against him again. He also voted against the CRomnibus bill) 2 Poe, Ted*** 202-225-6565 (Poe voted against the CRomnibus bill) 3 Johnson, Sam*** 202-225-4201 ( He voted against the CRomnibus bill) 4 Ratcliffe, John***. 202-225-6673 ( He was newly-elected, He was supported by Tea Party Express during the election. Currently, he is undecided about voting for Boehner.) 5 Hensarling, Jeb 202-225-3484 6 Barton, Joe*** 202-225-2002 (He voted against the CRomnibus bill) 7 Culberson, John 202-225-2571 8 Brady, Kevin 202-225-4901 10 McCaul, Michael T. 202-225-2401 11 Conaway, K. Michael*** 202-225-3605 (He voted against the CRomnibus bill) 12 Granger, Kay 202-225-5071 13 Thornberry, Mac 202-225-3706 14 Weber, Randy*** 202-225-2831 (He voted against the CRomnibus bill) 17 Flores, Bill*** 202-225-6105 He voted against the CRomnibus bill) 19 Neugebauer, Randy*** 202-225-4005 (He voted against the CRomnibus bill) 21 Smith, Lamar *** 202-225-4236 (He voted against the CRomnibus bill) 22 Olson, Pete*** 202-225-5951 (He voted against the CRomnibus bill) 23 Hurd, Will 202-225-4511 24 Marchant, Kenn*** 202-225-6605 (He voted against the CRomnibus bill) 25 Williams, Roger*** 202-225-9896 (He voted against the CRomnibus bill) 26 Burgess, Michael*** 202-225-7772 (He voted against the CRomnibus bill) 27 Farenthold, Blake*** 202-225-7742 (He voted against the CRomnibus bill) 31 Carter, John 202-225-3864 32 Sessions, Pete 202-225-2231 36 Babin, Brian 202-225-1555 UTAH District # -- Name -- Phone 1 Bishop, Rob 202-225-0453 2 Stewart, Chris 202-225-9730 3 Chaffetz, Jason 202-225-7751 4 Love, Mia 202-225-3011 VERMONT No Republicans elected in this state. VIRGINIA District # -- Name -- Phone 1 Wittman, Robert J*** 202-225-4261 (He voted against the CRomnibus bill) 2 Rigell, Scott 202-225-4215 4 Forbes, J. Randy 202-225-6365 5 Hurt, Robert*** 202-225-4711 (He voted against the CRomnibus bill) 6 Goodlatte, Bob 202-225-5431 7 Brat, Dave*** 202-225-2815 (He is newly-elected. He adamantly opposed amnesty when campaigning against Cantor) 9 Griffith, Morgan*** 202-225-3861 (He voted against the CRomnibus bill) 10 Comstock, Barbara 202-225-5136 WASHINGTON District # -- Name -- Phone 3 Herrera Beutler, Jaime 202-225-3536 4 Newhouse, Dan 202-225-5816 5 McMorris Rodgers, Cathy 202-225-2006 8 Reichert, David G. 202-225-7761 WEST VIRGINIA District # -- Name -- Phone 1 McKinley, David *** 202-225-4172 (He voted against the CRomnibus bill) 2 Mooney, Alex 202-225-2711 3 Jenkins, Evan 202-225-3452 WISCONSIN District # -- Name -- Phone 1 Ryan, Paul 202-225-3031 5 Senbrenner, F. James*** 202-225-5101 (He voted against the CRomnibus bill) 6 Grothman, Glenn*** 202-225-2476 (He is newly-elected and has been hinting at possibly voting for new leadership) 7 Duffy, Sean P. 202-225-3365 8 Ribble, Reid 202-225-5665 WYOMING District # -- Name -- Phone At Large Lummis, Cynthia M.*** 202-225-2311 (She voted against the CRomnibus bill)
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 22:22:34 +0000

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