Please can I ask you all to keep sharing....Im not sure but i - TopicsExpress


Please can I ask you all to keep sharing....Im not sure but i think shes being released next week :( please please please help me achieve my goal go 10,000 I feel very run down and tired today, Ive come so far and cant fail at the hurdle, theres no pressure to it however for the foreseeable future this would give me some peace of mind. I think people whove never experierienced servere trauma dont understand and dont always want to either.....some people run from the past others turn round and face, deal with it and not only help themselves but so many others to...never settle for anything less than what you deserve, its no wonder are country is soft, so many people burry there heads I the sand and dont want to get in involved we as a human race should stand by our morals and help each other along. An obvervation Ive come across in life is that of someone or something isnt understood its destroyed whether thats, size, skin colour, country, experiences. People or under some illusion that if you seen talking about your traumatic experiences youve not moved one needs to talk...people would soon shout and scream if you lived a self destructive life...Im human and need to talk and everyday I wake I dont live how I was bought up, I have morals and I care! No one should ever tell someone hoe soon to heal, because then a person is fire end into being quiet then crashes because they cant keep pretending...please sometimes think
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 09:57:59 +0000

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