Please can you bring this event to the attention of your - TopicsExpress


Please can you bring this event to the attention of your colleagues and friends. As this event is open to all, please can you forward it to as many people as possible who may be interested. THE GREAT FOOD DEBATE Thursday, 24 October – Whepstead Community Centre, Whepstead, Suffolk Cost: £15 to include tea/coffee and a simple hot lunch We now have all our speakers confirmed and we thought we should let you know what a prestigious group we have lined up for you. Come along on 24 October and you will have the pleasure of listening to: Lord Peter Melchett, formerly Executive Director of Greenpeace and now Policy Director of the Soil Association Dr Wendy Harwood from the Department of Crop Genetics at the John Innes Institute William Brigham, a local dairy farmer who has worked with the WI before on milk price campaigns and is always worth listening to Lisa Barker and Christine Ro from the Agricultural Department of Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW), the international charity which we all support Amanda Bloomfield, Chief Executive of the Bury St Edmunds Food Bank, giving another slant on food supply and finally, workload permitting, local weatherman Jim Bacon on climate change With this impressive array of speakers this is bound to be a most interesting and informative day covering many of the issues impacting on the future security of our food supplies – do encourage your members to attend if they possibly can. Cut-off date for bookings is 3pm on Thursday, 17 October. Look forward to seeing you there! For tickets please book through your WI Secretary or via the WI office. SWFWI: 01284754520 suffolkwestwi@btconnect
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 09:56:35 +0000

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