Please click Share. This a new commercial that recently came out. - TopicsExpress


Please click Share. This a new commercial that recently came out. As you see there is a reason why Im always warning you people about this New Age Deception. Welcome to the Age of illuminatium, the New Age, the Age of Aquarius! *sarcasm*. This is the NWO presented to you in love and theres a lot of these fake truthers such as New Agers all over the Internet who are deceiving tons to fall into this trap. It is not a coincidence that a One World Religion discussion was being held at the Vatican last week. They are ushering in the way for the Antichrist. In the commercial it says You are safe, help is on the way. The help that is on the way is the Antichrist, who will bring a false peace and safety to mankind (1 Thessalonians 5:3). Many do not understand that the NWO wants to create order out of chaos. Obama is doing his job pretty well destroying America and people are falling into this trap by starting riots. Everyone is pretty much angry that the system is corrupted. So when the Antichrist reveals himself, the NWO government will promote him through the media and will tell you that this is the man of Hope who will solve all the problems (Revelation 13:8). Therefore many people, even so called truthers will fall for it and end up receiving the Mark of the Beast (Revelation 13:16-17). Pretty sneaky huh? New Age teachers such as Deepak Chopra is promoting that the world is having a consciousness shift, that we are in the mist of a transformation of consciousness where we are evolving from a lower state of consciousness to the Buddhas and Avatars supposedly achieved. In that evolution, those refuse to join the New Age and evolve their consciousness, will be viewed as someone who is just causing separation and holding humanity back. Therefore needs to be removed (Revelation 13:7). (For more information check out @Pureworldtruth on Instagram). *Seek Jesus today, tomorrow is no promise*
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 06:39:53 +0000

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