Please do not confuse this with a political post ~ My views are my - TopicsExpress


Please do not confuse this with a political post ~ My views are my views ~ they are not up for debate or argument. You are entitled to your own, but they will not sway or change mine. You have the opportunity to stop reading now. I have deep abiding Texas roots. My looks betray the fact that I hold conservative values. There is a such thing as right and wrong. That has never changed and it wont. You have personal responsibility for your actions and your words. Use them judiciously. If you say you are going to do something, do it. If you want something you should work for it. Bad guys should be punished. I dont have a problem with hanging the ones that deserve it. The real bad ones, child molesters, rapists, and the like, should be drug behind a horse first, hung, and then used for target practice (I am being kind). You should kill the bad guys, not the innocent babies that need to be born. You cant turn a blind eye to wrong doing, it makes you as guilty as the ones doing it. The ISIS should be exterminated like the cockroaches they are. The current president and administration are corrupt as the day is long. Many of the others have been too. Wake up! You are being robbed. Quit defending them. America might never be the same again, but I will. God is great and there will be a reckoning for every word ever spoken and every deed ever done. Jesus can forgive you. Bedsides that, He is fun to have around and He loves you. Go to Him. I dont care who you sleep with, dont make it my business. I dont care what color you are, quit whining about it. I dont care if you dont believe in God, your loss and not my problem. You know the options. Pick one. I dont owe you anything. If I am nice to you, it is because I like you. Try not to screw that up. Sometimes the truth hurts, but it will set you free, so speak the truth. Listen to it also! I am Greg Sandusky and I endorse this message.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 11:09:30 +0000

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