“Please don’t leave me!” he cried out. “I’m sorry” she - TopicsExpress


“Please don’t leave me!” he cried out. “I’m sorry” she said, her eyes brimming with tears. She turned around and walked towards her car, then drove away. Harry fell on his knees and held his head in his hands. Tears began to roll down his cheeks, thick and fast. For several minutes, he knelt on the pavement, heartbroken. media.tumblr/f7280d61247f210f7cdba1773a4d095b/tumblr_inline_mmqsgxN0xc1qz4rgp.gif Then, he willed himself to stand up, and carried the small box she had left him into the house. He sat on his bed and with trembling fingers, opened the box. Inside was a crystalline figure of blue translucent glass. Two angels held a heart between them. Uncontrollable sobs escaped from his throat. 24.media.tumblr/f4dda6367401a762e34808306dc5b610/tumblr_mpsamfAfw11riy28ao1_500.gif He had given her all his love and all she gave him was a crystal and goodbye. He could not live without (Y/N). His life would be meaningless as it had been before he had met her. She had not only been his best friend but was also his teacher. Harry had dyslexia. All his life, he was shifted from school to school. His life had been full of misery and loneliness. But then he met (Y/N). She recognized his problem at once as she was once a psychology student. She decided to help Harry and scheduled sessions with him to teach him to read and write. Harry was delighted with this offer. And between all the talks and the laughs, he fell in love. A year passed and Harry was able to read and write just like normal person. He had wanted to marry (Y/N). But she had left him. She was gone. Who was there to guide him now? He was left all alone again. Why? He did not know. Coming out of his reverie, he noticed that there was a piece of paper inside the crystal heart. He tried to pry it open but it would not budge. Frustrated, he threw the chunk of glass on the floor, where it shattered. He picked up the piece of paper from the remains of the crystal and began to read. The next morning, Harry’s corpse was found on the floor in his room by the police. A jagged piece of crystal struck out of his chest. He had committed suicide. The police, upon reading the letter, which was still clutched in his hand, discovered that whoever has written the letter was a victim of leukemia and hadn’t much time left. how is it?? -Aleena
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 08:57:23 +0000

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