Please dont see a single persons healthy and normal desire for - TopicsExpress


Please dont see a single persons healthy and normal desire for marriage as idolatrous. Now, if it is all they ever, ever, ever, talk about (and I mean EVER) and make it as if their every need they have will be fulfilled by it, then please have a loving conversation with them. :) Is marriage not a good a beautiful gift from God that we SHOULD desire? Christian men and women who WANT to be with ONE person, serve the Lord together, raise a God fearing family for the rest of their lives is not a bad desire. I mean, our culture absolitely despises marriage, children and family and makes a mockery of, throws away and completely tries to destroy them. Should we not rejoice that so many Believers DO want to marry instead of casting it aside as useless or worse, fornicating, just shacking up and living in sin? Should we not rejoice that so many Believers still value and honor and love these things as God does? On one hand we have people saying, Stop idolizing marriage and be content. ___ was/is single and look what they did/do for the Lord. Its not that bad. Youll be OK if you never get married. On another we hear, Why arent you married yet? When are you going to get married? Are you doing ____? Have you tried ____? Maybe you need to ____ and then it will happen. Ive done and said it ALL! Ive even tried lying to myself by saying, I dont really desire it that much. Ill be ok if i never get married or have babies. Ha. Who are we kiddIing? Its frustrating though. Sometimes it seems like no one understands except your other single friends or the married ones who remember and care to encourage you about when they were single. And the single friends I know dont idolize marriage or believe it will fulfill their every desire. We arent sitting around doing nothing until it happens. We are seekong the Lord. We are living for Him every chance we get. We also know thsts not a prerequisite for getting married. We also know that marriage is hard. Very hard. We see the depths of our own sinful hearts and can only imagine what its like to take on and see the depths of anothers for the rest of our lives. But that doesnt scare us away from the beauty and painful lessons we will learn in being one flesh with another one of the Lords children. We know its sanctifying and takes work. We know that we have to die to ourselves daily so that we might be able to serve our spouse as Christ would have us do and see Gods continual grace at work in our lives. We know that we will sin against them, they against us, and we will fail time and time and time again like we do now. We know that there is grace and forgiveness and growth that will happen time and time and time again. No, everyones story and path is not the same. But what would you have to say to singles? Words to brush them off out of frustration from having to hear it again or accuse them of idolatry? Or would you have words of encouragement to continue pressing into and serving the Lord especially in those hard and lonely times and to make your prayers and desires known to God? We have ups and downs. Life is a funny thing. Rcently, Ive felt like giving up a calling it quits. Yes, I know Im only 26 and still young, but its still hard much of the time no matter what you think. . Anyway pray for your single friends if you remember to do so. We need it too.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 17:17:50 +0000

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