Please enjoy my new understandings of the Camino trail, a journey - TopicsExpress


Please enjoy my new understandings of the Camino trail, a journey I am about to embrace on. I have been reading the Seven Scared Sites by Serene Conneeley and only really started it yesterday, yet as I pondered over the pages that left me reading late into the night last night, I felt an experience of excitement and passion unite my Spirit on a journey I am about to embark on. It just so happened to fall out of my book shelf, and I cant even remember purchasing the book. I realised that I have had this book for many years because of the yellowish inside pages. It is funny really because I had no idea that the Camino de Santiago Walk was even in this book of one of the Seven Scared Sites. For the last week I have delved head on into doing research on this trip so as the miracle unfolded I have received exactly what I needed to give me the answer to doing this trip and the fear is now seeming to fade away. The Universe is an amazing energy force when one is attuned to listening and handing over to a greater Source than yourself. I had a lot of I dont know answers about the trip, yet as I let go and let God I was delivered with a book that served me in exactly the way I needed it and the perfect moment. My fiftieth birthday is coming early next year and something deep inside is yearning for a trip of a difference, maybe a purging of the old emotions or deep unresolved emotional pain of yester year the last frontier of residue ha ha who knows, or maybe not even that just a joyous adventure because I have reached a pinnacle in my life. I think as we grow older we realise that joy is also necessary for the recovery and self-awareness of my Spirit in this life. On this journey you can leave your ordinary life behind as you set out on a ancient pilgrimage to find your true self, letting the energies of the earth open your heart and transform your Soul, as you go on a journey both inward and outward. This journey will unlock the enlightenment and wisdom you already hold deep within Serene Conneeley wrote. So here I am hooked I believed now. That one passage actually answered all my questions I had swimming around in my head, the fear of the unknown I guess. The to many what ifs question swimming around, rather than trusting in a the higher guidance gift that I have. It is not a journey of pampering at all in fact its endearing pathways connect to powerful Earth energies as the Camino follows the major leyline, a path of energy and power connected to changes in the Earths magnetic field, and it is from this that the pilgrimage is thought to attain much of its spiritual impact on your heart and The Omnipresent Soul. I can hear the echoes calling my Spirit for a change in direction that will bring another chapter to my life that far outweighs anything I have done to this date. The fact I am healing the aloneness belief this journey will give me many days with myself and being alone inside. I wonder why we wait to be fifty plus to get to this point. It has been stated while a few people undertake it as a test of endurance or simply to enjoy countryside, architecture, history and culture of the northern Spain, the Camino is primarily done with the intention of find your deepest Spiritualized meaning. Whatever my intent is in setting off on this pilgrimage, by completing the journey I will be changed by the natural miracles of inner transformation that unfold along the way. I believe as we grow older we reflect back on our lives and at some point the Soul is yearning for more. I believe this will be my more for the now. Like · · Share. Suzanne Hunt and John Miles like this.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 04:07:21 +0000

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