Please find a comment below regarding the Food 4 Thought Festival - TopicsExpress


Please find a comment below regarding the Food 4 Thought Festival that took place on the weekend; Cllr Pauline Jorgensen, executive member for resident services, said: The council received a temporary event application from the Food 4 Thought festival organisers several months ago. The information provided by the organisers suggested it would be a small-scale, family event, with fewer than 500 people expected to attend. We considered this application in the same way as the many others we receive every year and there was nothing in it that caused us concern. As the licensing authority, we can only object to temporary licences on public nuisance grounds. As there was no prior history of this event causing this sort of problem, no objection was raised. If there had been any indication of a potential noise issue, environmental health would have objected to the application. Part of environmental healths standard response to applications such as the Food 4 Thought festival is to advise on how to minimise disruption to neighbours and it appears that this advice was not followed by the organisers and the event grew beyond its original small-scale plans. Any future application from the applicant, the charity or for a similar event on this location would need to be considered in the light of what happened at the weekend. We apologise for the noise disturbance experienced by residents living nearby and wed like to reassure them we are taking the matter very seriously. Were responding to complaints received. We are also gathering evidence to consider whether any criminal offence occurred. For more details about reporting noise nuisance please visit: The councils general out-of-hours telephone number for emergencies is 0800 212 111.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 11:43:42 +0000

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