Please forgive this post if I have overstepped my continuous posts - TopicsExpress


Please forgive this post if I have overstepped my continuous posts on Israel. I simply cannot stand the thought of Hamas hurting more of our beautiful country and they will if we dont continue this mission. Even the soldiers are saying that we have to continue. And, they are the ones whose lives are in danger. We need to seriously pray to Hashem and ask for his guidance. Everything is in His hands. What upsets me the most - We agreed to a cease fire two years ago. What did they do with the Cease Fire? First, missiles continued to be lobbed into Israel and we did not respond; and second, they spent the last two years building these tunnels. Tunnels filled with missiles and designed to allow their terrorists to infiltrate Israel like they did this morning (or last night if in Israel). Last night the terrorists dressed as Israeli commandos came up through the tunnels, shot a missile at a jeep and killed two IDF officers and two IDF soldiers. Fortunately, we got them before they could retreat into their tunnels and hopefully destroyed that tunnel, but there are so many more. As we know, last week there was cease fire proposal brokered by Egypt - Israel agreed, but Hamas says no. I was in shock, until I figured out why. Let them kill more people? Hell no. They want to hide behind their civilians. They are the cowards. American news reports that injuries to Gazans is the fault of the Israelis is a misnomer. Are they deaf and blind. These losses are the fault of Hamas who refuse to let them leave. We are saddened at their losses, but the war crimes are being committed by Hamas. These leaders need to be brought to Justice. Israel has offered hospital and doctors and blood and Hamas says NO. We are saddened that these bullies aka Hamas choose to hide behind the Gazans. Only after we can confirm that the tunnels are sealed and there can be no reprisals for our kindnesses can a cease fire be possible. I can stand on my soap box until the end of time, and at first I thought it made me feel better, but now . . . not so much.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 05:26:32 +0000

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