Please forward CELEBRATE INDIGENOUS PEOPLES - TopicsExpress


Please forward CELEBRATE INDIGENOUS PEOPLES DAY! *17th Annual Counter Discoverers Day/Columbus Day Educational Gathering In solidarity with indigenous peoples around the world, please join us for the annual Indigenous Peoples Day gathering. Events will take place this year in Boriken (Puerto Rico) in the town of Arecibo (at La Poza del Obispo) on October 12 at 4:00pm, and in Honolulu, Hawaii on Monday, October 13 at Noon, in front of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Honolulu, 1184 Bishop St. (at the top of Fort Street Mall). Please contact Leon Siu for more information on the Honolulu gathering at: [email protected] In Puerto Rico, well be near the site of the building of a 300 foot statue of Cristobol Colon, if you can even imagine such a thing taking place today. Ive been informed that its erecting is illegal, that officials here, incuding a former governor, did not follow the laws/protocol in bringing such a behemoth and ugly configuration to Boriken shores. Its of course an extreme irony to also honor the one who implemented the encomienda forced slavey system to this region to begin with, which resulted in the murder and subjugation of countless numbers of people. Im providing some links below on this controversial issue: tripadvisor/ShowTopic-g147319-i71-k7351226-300_Columbus_statue_to_be_erected_in_Arecibo_for_tourism-Puerto_Rico.html *Indigenous peoples and supporters in other places are encouraged to organize a small ceremonial event and symbolically burn or tear-up copies of the May 4, 1493 papal bull Inter Caetera in demonstration against Columbus Day or Discoverers Day as its known of in Hawaii. The document can be downloaded (in Background) from our somewhat outdated website below (or from the attached flyer if website doesnt open): bullsburning.itgo/papbull.htm *Students are especially encouraged to attend in order to put theory into a little practice by linking the papal bulls issue with other important indigenous rights and global issues weve been diligently covering in class. Sponsoring organizations include: Kosmos Indigena, Ka Pakaukau, Department of Ethnic Studies (UH Manoa), Ahupuaa Action Alliance, Hawaii Institute for Human Rights. For more information, email: [email protected] *Indigenous peoples and supporters are also seeking the formal revocation of the 1493 papal bull Inter Caetera. This decree was issued by the Catholic Church to Christopher Columbus on his second voyage to the Caribbean. Along with the 1494 Treaty of Tordesillas, it sought to establish Christian dominion over the globe and called for the subjugation of non-Christian peoples and allowed for the seizure of their lands. As a result, an estimated 100 million indigenous peoples were killed off in the process of Europes colonization of the indigenous world. This papal edict has yet to be formally repealed and is thought by many to be the foundation-stone of the international system we live under today and directly related to the corporate-state-military plunder and rape of the planet, which is sometimes linked to the phenomenon known as globalization. In solidarity, Antonio Castanha Coordinator Kosmos Indigena
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 02:24:35 +0000

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