Please go Like and support this page! THIS HAS GOT TO STOP! Now... - TopicsExpress


Please go Like and support this page! THIS HAS GOT TO STOP! Now... let me just say, I am not anti-police, I do not believe lumping all police officers together is ok - just like it is not ok to lump all dogs together. There are good officers and bad ones and sometimes even the good ones use bad judgment... last night about 2 mins from my house our local police department handled a very stressful and frightening situation with a suicidal man EXCELLENTLY... after about 6 hours they finally got him into custody with no shots fired, no canines hurt, everyone is ok... I was glued to the police scanner and it was an intense and stressful situation with a young man threatening to kill people and wanting suicide by cop... so, not all cops are bad. They could have just shot him multiple times, but they didnt... they even considered sending their canines in, but didnt... the dogs probably would have been shot. NOW with that said... EVERYONE needs to be aware about the growing problem of officers shooting dogs. Not to cause a riot between cops and civilians... but to educate BOTH sides. If an officer comes to your home, lock up your dogs and tell them right away you have them. Keep your dogs indoors while you are not home and dont leave them outside unattended, keep them leashed if they are out in public. I believe officers need training in dealing with dogs... so until that happens, we need to be paranoid and overly protective of our pups. This could happen to any of us... it is infuriating and the more we educate people about this, PEACEFULLY (meaning no vulgar language and no threatening the police), and the more awareness we bring to this, hopefully we can help to get it to STOP!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 22:22:54 +0000

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