Please help if you can, if you cant send this to your email list - TopicsExpress


Please help if you can, if you cant send this to your email list as we need to help these folks NOW! Gary December 15, 2014 To protect these people from retaliation, who they are and where they are will not be published. But, there is a need to provide for 20,000 people, NOW, not LATER! TEXAS HOLDINGS, INC (“THI”) proposes a solution that those interested in helping these people may implement; a business solution that can provide gifts of survival to these people, income to parties that participate that can dwarf the cost, plus support clean energy and clean drinking water around the world. Why not provide each of these people a $500 USD Christmas gift? Why not provide more? If $2,000 USD in USD bank deposit funds is used to acquire one LHP HISTORICAL VIDEO at wholesale, the VIDEO will be resold, retail, with ZCASH (at $2 USD each) valued at $6,000 USD being paid. The ZCASH may be used to acquire $6,000 USD value of LHP SAND, which can be resold at equal value, with payment being received in the form of a PROMISSORY NOTE provided by a ZCASH AND CHIPS EXCHANGE FACILITY firm. When the ZCASH is used to acquire the LHP SAND, CHIPS of equal value will be accrued, which may also be used to acquire $6,000 USD value of LHP SAND, which can be resold at equal value, with payment being received in the form of a PROMISSORY NOTE provided by a ZCASH AND CHIPS EXCHANGE FACILITY. Thus, the party that provided the $2,000 USD in bank deposit funds can have an income of $12,000 USD to use as they may wish! Normally these funds would have to be earmarked for specific pre-approved purposes, but because of the need to help these 20,000 people, that restriction is lifted for participations between now and Christmas! The PROMISSORY NOTES would be immediately collectible in digital currency valued at $12,000 USD and, if put to work as per terms of the NOTES instead of being collected, can become a source of continuing revenues in USD bank deposit funds instead of just $12,000 USD value. And, as a result of the wholesale acquisition of each LHP HISTORICAL VIDEO, $500 USD bank deposit funds would be immediately available to provide for survival (“survival” is a good Christmas present!) of one of the 20,000 people on the list. To provide for this need, individuals, families, churches, businesses, municipalities, even national governments, which also may need money, could do their part and enjoy solid reward; that is, by being willing to help others, they can help themselves! How many people can you arrange to help, either by your direct involvement or by your informing others about this urgent problem and by promoting this solution? How much benefit would you and others want to receive? Do the math; the business proposed makes good sense and good “. So, if you cannot undertake to engage this business proposal with USD bank deposit funds, if you cannot undertake to inform others and promote their supporting this effort, then, please pray that others will successfully do so… Just abandoning these people is not an option! All related business will be conducted through Attorneys, banks, and licensed professionals, under strict supervision by the Board of Directors of several companies involved and with full transparency; and, institutions such as a Lion’s Club, well known religious organizations, or reputable charities, will be requested to oversee the distribution of funds ($500 USD per LHP HISTORICAL VIDEO acquired) to those that this business proposal is designed to help. Similar proposals may be entertained for any such organization that helps oversee the distribution of funds as indicated. Contact Gary Holmes [email protected] for more details! 541-582-7137
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 17:36:06 +0000

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