Please help me. How true is this Zambian Watch EBOLA PART OF - TopicsExpress


Please help me. How true is this Zambian Watch EBOLA PART OF A NEW WORLD ORDER (NWO) African countries if not abide by the New World Order will have a rampant spread of Ebola disease. This is following the United states president Barrack Obama inviting all African leaders to attend the summit and agree of the new world older. According to the reliable source has told Zambian Watch that Zambian Vice president Dr. Guy scott has to sign an agreement with the united states of America president Barrack Obama that Zambia will follow the new world order act which will be enacted immediately after the summit. If Zambia being a Christian Nation does not abide by the new world order which is agreeing to the mark of the beast, them Ebola will be sent forthwith. the source said. The new world Order is a Luciferian or devilish agreement that one has to accept to be the follower of the Devil himself. Dr. Guy scott has signed the agreement and Zambia will be part of the new world order and devolish act will be seen in the country like gayism,lesibian, all sorts of bad things. The source also said if Sign up now to receive a free and immediate special report which opens up the pandoras box on the unpublished reasons behind why Barack Obama came to power, and what America and African countries will become once he completes the end of his second term in 2016........the end result may shock you! Ebola is part of the New plan for the New world order See the introductory video below and then sign up to get free access to the shocking 20 page report and 1 hour video documentary
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 20:46:53 +0000

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