Please help out this hero!!!! This was a brother of Arms. this - TopicsExpress


Please help out this hero!!!! This was a brother of Arms. this needs to help. We are asking everyone to pass it around and get congress and senators involved. Good evening friends and supporters. You might note a post below from SFC RET. William Kamer. William served with SFC Cashe in the Dragon Battalion and is one of our most ardent supporters. You see my reply to him. I apologize in advance for my language, but, Awards Branch is really pissing me off! It is time for the beauracrats to use some common damn sense. Those of you that know them, the men and families of the 1/15th know that Col Brito and General Salazar would NOT come close to recommending SFC Cashe for the MOH if they DID NOT KNOW HE EARNED IT! Its time for the Secretary of the Army to simply appoint a Field Grade Line Officer with combat experience to conduct a MOH Field Investigation and simply interview the men who were there on October 17, 2005! Interview Doug Dodge, Leon Mathis, Jimmy Hathaway, CSM McKenzie. Ask them what SFC Cashe did! I may not be the sharpest pencil in the box but COMMON SENSE goes a long way! I urge each of you to STRONGLY urge your member of Congress to obtain a copy of Col. Britos MOH submission to Awards Branch. Let them read the data and see the pictures of what was left of A13 after the combat action! Let them imagine what SFC Cashe endured, on fire! burning alive! saving his Brothers! And if they cant take 1 hour to read Col Britos submission they have no business representing one single citizen! SFC ALWYN C. CASHE EARNED THE MOH! PERIOD! URGE YOUR MEMBERS OF CONGRESS TO OBTAIN COL. BRITOS MOH PACKAGE AND READ IT!
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 02:30:56 +0000

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