Please help this veteran..HELP THIS INNOCENT MAN MARVIN YOUNG!!!! - TopicsExpress


Please help this veteran..HELP THIS INNOCENT MAN MARVIN YOUNG!!!! HIS FATHER POTENTIALLY MURDERED BY A NEW WIFE...THE WIFE THEN POTENTIALLY MURDERED BY THE MAN SHE MARRIED 7 MONTHS LATER...NOW A COMPLETE STRANGER LIVING IN MARVIN YOUNGS FATHERS HOME AND TOOK COMPLETELY OVER HIS FATHERS ENTIRE ESTATE. THE NEFARIOUS MAN LIVING IN MR. YOUNGS FATHERS HOUSE HAS A CRIMINAL SKETCHY BACKGROUND. FRAUD FORGERY MURDER ALL POTENTIALLY INVOLVED HERE. THE SKETCHY GUY ALONG WITH JUDGE ETC. TRYING TO PUT MARVIN IN PRISON NOW TO JUST GET RID OF HIM AND SPLIT UP ALL THE LOOT FROM MARVINS FATHERS ESTATE. Mr. Elrod its been disappointing that you will no longer answer my calls or return them. As you will see in attachments below what Ive been telling you is all true and I have more truth than this. I plea with you to take action. In the attachments below it will show more than enough proof for you or someone to start an investigation. Our last phone conversation was recorded so to prove that I informed you that my life has been threatened. I pray that nothing happens to me when they put me in jail for crimes I did not commit and I have every reason to believe that I will be beaten or even killed. I am being railroaded and Im asking you what will you do about it? Will you set back while this continues? After you read my attachments and I know you will, you can no longer say you dont know whats happening to me. I pray you will not listen to things Im sure you have been told by others that have an interest in this matter and in my demise. You said on one of our phone calls that you have been doing this a long time and you could tell that Im being sincere and telling the truth now you have the truth , what will you do with it? Mr Elrod contrary to what you may have been told Im a good man and Ive raised a good family one of which is an officer with the state of Fl. In closing I will pray for your action in this matter or for it to lay heavy on your heart till you do. Be a hero Mr. Elrod. I pray for your safety in your job and i pray you and your family will always have justice and never have to go through what I have. -- EXECUTIVE BRIEF Charles William Young passed in February 2011. Charles was married at the time to Deborah Jean Grey Young. Deborah found her husband home alone on 25 February 2011 in his home in Corker Creek, Tennessee off of New Highway 68. Corker Creek sits in Monroe County Tennessee. Charles son, Marvin William Young (depicted in the YouTube below), traveled from his home and workplace in Florida to attend to his fathers-Charles-estate. Marvin discovered evidence of criminal activity regarding Charles estate. A criminal enterprise that included a long list of participating outlaw actors. While Marvins investigation broadened, Deborah maintained control over her former husbands possessions, property and assorted assets. Deborah Jean Grey Young remarried sometime in September 2011, seven (7) months after Charles death. Deborah married a man named Larry David Godwin. Then Deborah passed away April 8th 2013 under what are now recognized as suspicious circumstances. There are suggestions of foul play at the hands of new husband David Godwin. Marvin approached David Godwin after Deborah died in the hopes of reconciling the estate of Charles William Young, now under David Godwins control. Recognizing that Marvin held solid evidence of what Im now calling David Godwins claim jumping of the Charles William Young estate, David Godwin aggressively leveled a host of false criminal charges against Marvin for which Marvin is entangled within the massive corruption that describes Monroe County Tennessee. END OF EXECUTIVE BRIEF! PLEASE watch this video youtube/watch?v=Y9BER7SMMKY PLEASE pass this along to as many people as you can. Thank You!
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 01:35:18 +0000

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