Please if you have never read any of my posts, read this one, it - TopicsExpress


Please if you have never read any of my posts, read this one, it is my last long message for 2014. You need this for 2015! It will bless you. ------------------------------------ TIMELESS LESSONS FROM YESTERDAYS MOBILE APP SOCCER GAME. (A Recipe for 2015 Success) I have found a new addiction this Holiday Season; Dream League Soccer is the name of the game, I have been enjoying it since yesterday, but I have so far learnt some very key lessons for 2015 from this game I just got out of the PlayStore yesterday. Some of the lessons learnt I already knew, but it is incredibly thrilling to find same life principles working even on an electronic game designed for fun. 1. WHEN YOU ARE NOT DOING WELL IN LIFE, ASK YOURSELF CRITICAL QUESTIONS When I got the game yesterday, my team (Dream FC) was being beaten to stupor, it was very embarrassing, I agree I have never really been a PC game guy, particularly soccer, but at least I was intelligent enough to understand the control keys and play. I almost gave up, I left Her Excellency in the bedroom and decided to go and sit in the hall to fight this thing, trust me, I was awake till about 4:00AM, I played 29 matches and I lost all. Then I paused for a second, usually when Im trying a concept or a model in business for example, and it keeps failing, what do I do? I sit down to ask myself critical questions - I will like to know whether these failures are not self-inflicted as a result of my ignorance, inexperience, lack of direction, or it is just a numbers thing, the more I persist the better I will become. Persistently fighting a battle with ignorance will persistently give you failure and defeat as results. So I paused the game, Haba, I naturally hate to lose, I resent defeat, (now forget the fact that it is just a game, I dont take defeat lightly, no matter what it is) why have I failed 29 times in just few hours of a competition? I asked. Then it dawned on me to OBSERVE AND STUDY the game menus cursorily, I saw, TRAINING, viola, off I went! I trained for about 2 hours with my own team players, tried all sorts of skills. Then I returned to a Match, still it was tough, I was still losing but I noticed something - the goal margins had reduced drastically, so I felt, well, I improved but still I am losing, I got discouraged, sad, demotivated and went to bed without praying. ...let me drop a note here..., sometimes Success doesnt mean you have won with positive margins, take for instance, if you owed 1000cedis in 2013, and at the end of 2014 you are still owing 200cedis, although you are not yet recording profits, you made loses, BUT YOU HAVE MADE PROGRESS! Initially, without training, margins were as high as 12-0, after training, the maximum margin was 3-0. We dont begin to succeed by having obvious victories, some successes are latent. 2. GET BACK TO YOUR DREAM After I showered this morning, I refused to eat, I was too troubled by the defeats, then I remembered the bible story of the unjust judge and the stubbornly persistent widow, so I went back to the game. I went for another 1-hour training, then returned for a Match, it was a Draw! Wow! Are you serious? Yes! I was almost satisfied with the draw, the joy that I battled Mr Computer on the field of play and we went draw was good. But I actually wanted a win! ...let me drop another note here, incase there is any plan or project that you abandoned in 2014 just because it wasnt working, get back to it in 2015, dont pack up your dreams just because you were frustrated by lack of funding, drive or whatever it is, pick it up again and dust it off, you can win if you will train and learn to move from loses to draws. 3. TRAINING IS VERY VITAL IN YOUR WINNING ADVENTURE Hello, ladies and gentlemen, I have the singular honour to announce to you that I have finally eaten food, because I won! Lol! I realised that many times we are defeated by life because of our lack of skills; we are too inexperienced and we will not even be humble enough to get a good mentor! So, we are on trial and error till it finally works at 45! The more I went for training sessions, the more I understood my team, the field, the controls, the more my intuition knew what to do anytime I got a ball. Brothers and Sisters, if something is not working for a long time, let us get an autopsy of the situation, we may be losing because we have not done the right things to make us win. 4. LASTLY, MONEY IS A DEFENCE (ECCLESIASTES 7:12) Although I won, my victory was not consistent! Sometimes Mr Computer won, sometimes we drew, other times too I managed to win. Winning is an art in every game, but I realised that I was losing certain matches because my players just didnt have the right brains! I went to the market to try and sign Fabregas, Messi and co, so as to augument the team, but mheeen, they were freaking expensive! I needed over 1000 Coins to sign just these 2 players. Even if I wanted to improve the skills of my current ordinary players, I still had to spend some good money, the coins I hav acquired so far in the tournament wasnt enough to improve my team, so I remain with the option to make do with what I have. My friend, money is a factor that even Mega Businesses have as an advantage, this is as tool they deploy to buy up their smaller competitors, MEGA Churches have louder voice and audience advantage because they pull more dollars. Please, if you want to play big, have some good money. Finally, I am continuing my training and playing matches so I can continue to build my wealth in order to have enough coins to buy the big guys into my team. Think about it; isnt this game on my phone just explaining exactly how Life works? Hehehehe, it is not just a Game App, it is a Life App. Keep equipping yourself for 2015 with wisdom nuggets. The future is not bright until you deliberately polish it. The Big Godwin | Butterfly your World!
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 14:52:35 +0000

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