Please indulge me and read this and dont post any spoilers for - TopicsExpress


Please indulge me and read this and dont post any spoilers for others A short I wrote last night after a few beers with some friends I know there may be mistakes or whatnot anyone sees any let me know ill edit it. if anyone would like to add to it please say, continue then the added short. I hardly ever write anything but when I make things like this makes me want to write more. Just Another Day By Joshua D. Belt Alarm woke me up this morning at 7:45; I have to be at work at 9:00 I thought to myself. saying out loud “ ugh I can’t be late to work again”. After tossing around in bed for a few minutes, saying out loud “ ugh! I can’t be late to work again”. So I Quickly got up for a quick shower, shave and get dressed. I got in my car at 8:11. Little did I know that it had snowed the night before, I needed to clear the snow off the windows before I leave. I never really feel like going to work, maybe I’ll get a job I like someday. I finally start the car and think Ill just stop somewhere for something to eat before work. I finally left home at 8:22 Pulling up to a stoplight windows foggy. As I’m waiting I start to get irritated that the light hasn’t turned green yet and its 8:36, I need to hurry so I creep forward a little still barely able to see I gun it only to slam my breaks a split second later to stop for an old blue Oldsmobile blazes in front of me. Thinking that was to close, anyway I pull up to the fast food drive through at 8:44 shaken and very irritable, realizing I left my wallet at home I drive off to work in a rage. Not having a good day thinking life is rough. I pull into my work parking lot at 8:56 i notice the blue Oldsmobile thinking I don’t have time to deal with this right now, so I head to the front doors before they recognize what car i got out of. As I am about to grab the door handle. I hear a car door slam and a man yelling “Hey You” before I could even turn and respond, I hear a very loud bang, the glass on the door shatters, ears start ringing, felt like warm water was running down my body and a sudden feeling of a burning sensation on my chest as if I have just been branded like cattle. The pain was so excruciating I dropped to the snow covered concrete like I had no legs. Looking around I feel the cold wet concrete beneath me get warm and see the snow dye red around me, realizing I’ve been shot. the man walks up to me and says “you should have just hit me” and walks away. To be continued Just think about it life can be a long struggle or a short sad story.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 22:29:22 +0000

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