Please join Donna Parker-McKeithen and I in praying for my brother - TopicsExpress


Please join Donna Parker-McKeithen and I in praying for my brother inlaw Andy and sister Glenda Harper, sons Andy Harper, Daryl Harper, Stephen Harper, daughter Jennifer Harper Blades and 14 grandkids living in CA. Andy has been a strong role model, spiritual leader and Christian athlete long as I can remember going to his Hialeah High and Wake Forest college footbal games as a kid. Or watching him cycle 50 mi road races. Or watching him be a witness to his kids. Andy went in for knee surgery recently and came out unexpectedly with complications and symptoms now diagnosed as Lou Gehrigs Disease. This has radically changed the field and trajectory of His life. Father our hearts are breaking for Andy and my family at this moment. We know you know this because you have been there and are right here with us now. Jesus we thank you for being the giver of life here now, and a path you have promised and prepared beyond that forever more. We ask you for a peace that surpasses all our undetstsnding Lord. One that gives us comfort, strength, hope and joy. We pray for every single life that Andy, Glenda and their Children have touched and cradled, by you Jesus! We thank, praise and make these requests known, in the middle of this storm knowing you will carry us through as we trust and place our faith in you! Forgive us where we fall short. Bless us with Grace, Faith, Wisdom, Perseverance and radical Love for each other. We love you Lord, but you first loved us. Help us to remember the Faith and Love of our Fathers. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 11:32:52 +0000

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