Please join me and our entire clan in a prayer of thanksgiving for - TopicsExpress


Please join me and our entire clan in a prayer of thanksgiving for our mother, MRS. CRISANTA LAMADRID TOTANES viuda de ROMERO, on her 89th birthday today, November 2, 2014: Our Dearest Heavenly Father, You are the Giver of all good gifts. We praise You for Your abundant goodness, limitless strength, and unfailing faithfulness. Day after day, we receive these beautiful gifts in large part through the love of our family. Lord, today we are especially thankful for our mother, CRISANTA LAMADRID TOTANES viuda de ROMERO. We are so blessed to be part of her life.. As a woman who fears the Lord, she has given us, her family, a firm foundation upon which You have built our faith. Without ever wanting to draw attention to herself, she gives, cares, serves, and encourages. For decades of marriage, she has exemplified what it means to be a godly wife. She has devoted herself to enriching her children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, family, church, friends, and neighbors. In the face of uncertainty and trials, it steadies us to know that she looks to You as the anchor of her soul. We, her family, could not be more blessed or more thankful. Lord, we pray that this day – her birthday – begins a year in which our mother knows the deepest peace and richest joy. We pray with thanksgiving for the promise that You are the strength of her heart and her portion forever. May she be sustained daily by the comfort that You are the eternal refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. And Lord, we pray for the simplest but most meaningful joys to come her way – such as sweet times of laughter, singing, dancing, traveling, and her most precious joy-that of being with her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren and being with Your special gift to each of us, our brother-RAMON TOTANES ROMERO. Lord, we pray that you would bless our mother with precious memories made with the family and grant her the satisfaction of knowing that these shared experiences are creating a lasting legacy to each one of us.. Perhaps this year, more than any other, has impressed upon us that life is not to be hurried. We treasure the truest and simplest gifts of each day, and thank You, our Lord, our GIVER. Thank You, Lord, for gifting us so well with our mother, CRISANTA LAMADRID TOTANES viuda de ROMERO. You have done great things for us, and we are filled with joy and thanksgiving. Amen.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 19:27:25 +0000

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