Please join me in prayer today for Costa Rica in Central America. - TopicsExpress


Please join me in prayer today for Costa Rica in Central America. Over 4 million people live in this agriculturally and ecologically rich land. Roman Catholicism is the official state religion and all limitations on the free exercise of other religions are illegal, but in practice other religions are not yet equal before the law. Most Costa Rican churches are good at reaching out and winning converts, but they fail in raising them in godly lifestyles and biblical knowledge. When times get difficult, spiritually stunted Christians either fall away or migrate to a different church. Pastors are under-resourced, usually surviving on minimal incomes and without strong teams to help in their work. This generally leads to a failure to provide solid pastoral care for struggling believers, which in turn leads to members drifting away. Some of the best training options in Latin America is in Costa Rica with 26 Bible schools and seminaries. National ministries and missions are beginning to blossom as the Costa Rican Church matures and as foreign missions hand over control to nationals. There are six Christian radio stations, one TV channel and five Internet radio sites. Pray for quality programming that will reach into the hearts of the lost and build up believers. Thank you for praying.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 18:06:40 +0000

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