Please keep our beloved (Watson) Watty in your thoughts and - TopicsExpress


Please keep our beloved (Watson) Watty in your thoughts and prayers; he’s in the hospital, and I’m hoping for the best possible outcome. He threw up his breakfast this morning, which isn’t unusual; he’s a Lab, and tends to wolf his food. We bought him one of those slow feeder bowls with the compartments to slow him down, and that seemed to take care of the issue. I thought nothing of it, cleaned up and went about my day. What got my instant attention was that the vomiting didn’t stop, so I gave him a couple Pepto-Bismol tablets to help soothe his tummy, or so I thought. The vomiting continued, so I called the vet clinic where we usually take our dogs, but they said they wouldn’t be able to fit us in today. I called the local animal emergency clinic, but they’re an after-hours operation, so I called the vet’s again and asked for a referral to an emergency clinic. They gave me the phone number to the Animal Specialty Group here in Glendale, so I called on a family friend to please drive us over. Thankfully, he was available and came through with this huge favor . It felt like we were jumping through hoops of fire in reaching the goal of getting there; heavy traffic, stupid drivers asleep at the wheel and trying to find a parking spot, sigh. We finally got inside, and the vet tech took Watty right away. Our friend and hero, Juvel, helped with the paperwork, and I was escorted inside while he cleaned out the car; Watty threw up on the way over. The vet came in, and told me everything that was going to happen. They were going to take X-rays, bloodwork and hook him up to an IV because he was indeed dehydrated. After about 20 minutes, she came back with the news of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, (HGE) and/or pancreatitis. She also recommended keeping Watty there for a day or two for observation. Of course, they’ll let us know if further testing is needed, and she also said this condition is quite common in dogs. The staff said he’d be in the ICU for the next one or two days with his personal care, 24-hour nurse. We can expect to hear from someone twice a day for updates, and we can also call anytime. I’ve never experienced this particular situation with previous dogs, but there’s a first time for everything. Am feeling lost and extremely off-balance without my beautiful Watson. Fortunately, Francis and Champ are here, and we’ll all get through this together.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 00:10:00 +0000

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