Please like and share Gods Word to reach more souls for Jesus - TopicsExpress


Please like and share Gods Word to reach more souls for Jesus could be a witness to someone who needs to hear this word today and needs to accept Christ as their Savior, so please share...thank you! Luke 16:27-28 Then he said, I beg you therefore, father, that you would send him to my fathers house, for I have five brothers, that he may testify to them, lest they also come to this place of torment. If you are familiar at all with the Bible, you know this scripture passage is the story of the rich man who died without Christ and went to hell and his prayer requesting that Lazarus, the beggar, might be sent to his family and tell them about his torment and warn them not to come there. Too little too late! We have some things in common with this poor rich man. Some of you have never given yourself away to Jesus Christ. You have had time for the things of this world, but not time for the salvation of your soul. Others of us, just like this poor rich man in hell, have family members that are just like his brothers; they are lost without Christ. The concerns of this world have kept them from receiving the Lord Jesus and they are on their road to hell. Lets be personal! Do you have a family member, a friend, or a neighbor that has never been born again? Without a personal relationship with Christ, they cannot go to heaven; they must die and go to hell. If that sounds harsh, Im sorry. But there is no other way to say it. All Christ rejectors will miss heaven. But here is the substance of this devotion. What are you doing to bring your loved ones to Christ? In most churches, the altars are empty, eyes are dry, hearts are hard and burdens are gone (if we ever had them). What compelled the rich man in hell to pray for his lost brothers? His love for them. If we genuinely love our families and want to see them go to heaven and not go to hell, then we had better do all we can to get them under the gospel. Love will lead us to the place of intercession! Begin now praying for them and then do all in your power to bring your precious loved ones with you to church. -Bro. Ronnie Sivells Daily Devotional
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 13:32:20 +0000

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