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Please make this go viral by sharing this post on your own walls and via email: Why is boycott of Israel a duty for us all? Why is Israel wrong in casting the question of Palestine in a Muslim v. Jewish question, when in reality it is a question of humanity v. Evil. What do Desmond Tutu, Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela have in common? They are widely respected non-Muslim leaders and they all condemned Israel and supported freedom for Palestine. Why do 9 Nobel Laureates have a common opinion against Israels apartheid policies? These are widely respected non-Muslim visionaries, and they all condemned Israel and supported freedom for Palestine. The simple fact is this: Israel is an APARTHEID REGIME where its Arab and Christian citizens are denied equal access to housing, healthcare, employment and education. Israels Christian and Arab citizens are not only harassed but find that over half the housing and over 30% of jobs are unavailable to them. The simple fact is: Israels blockade of Gaza is ILLEGAL under international law and a blockade is actually an act of war under international law, which means Israel was legally and technically speaking waging war on Gaza since 2006 despite having signed 2 ceasefire agreements in the interim period. The simple fact is: Israel blocked even the shipment of food, medicine and clothing to Gaza, in order to collectively punish Palestinians. Nobody can make rockets or guns with chicken, rice, jeans or vitamins. Did you know that the US funds over 25% of Israels military budget each year? Do you oppose Americas funding of Israels military? If yes, please sign this petition to stop funding Israels military in violation of US laws. Please share this petition with everyone you know and request them to sign and share this petition too. US law says we cant give money to countries that dont comply with IAEA safeguards and are not signatories to the NPT, and one of those countries is Israel. This petition asks the President to enforce the Symington Amendment, which prohibits US Aid to any nation(such as Israel), which has not signed the NPT and refuses to open its nuclear facilities to IAEA inspections. You do not have to be American or even living in America to sign this petition. PLEASE forward to all of your friends and family on Email and FaceBook. #SupportGaza #SupportPalestine #FreeGaza #FreePalestine
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 04:45:20 +0000

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