Please meet Tut, he is the latest member of our family !!! At - TopicsExpress


Please meet Tut, he is the latest member of our family !!! At 11.30pm last night, a car pulled up out side our house ( baring in mind we live up a mountain and remote ) with engines roaring and loud music, and girls laughing, when it left, I heard a faint cry and went to investigate, and out side our gate, they had left this most beautiful, friendly, loving and happy little kitten, as soon as I walked towards it slowly he came to me purring, I picked him up, and he snuggled into my neck, it is another true Siamese kitten, and just loves affection. The car that dropped it off, drove off at high speed so I could not report it, but yes we are keeping him, and taking him to the vets tomorrow morning to get him checked over. How can any body be so bloody cruel, to such a beautiful little pet ? The up side is, he does not look or act as though he has been ill treated, and we get to have another wonderful pet
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 15:56:14 +0000

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