(Please note that this is my opinion and observation as an - TopicsExpress


(Please note that this is my opinion and observation as an American and a Christian). The minutes are ticking away before our nation faces its first government shutdown (even though it’s “partial”) in 17 years. I have been asking myself over the past few days how to address this issue, as well as the issues facing our nation, in a logical, Godly way. I trust I will have achieved that in this brief commentary. I first address the men and women who are a part of our Congress, the Senate and the House. It appears you have forgotten who it is you work for. You do not work for yourself…you are employed BY THE PEOPLE. It is the people who elected you, who placed you in office. It is the people who pay taxes to pay your salaries, benefits and perks. You are supposed to represent our voice, but sadly, many of you have not. Those with more tenure do all they can to silence the voices of those who truly understand their role and who try to make our voice heard. SHAME ON YOU! Now you hold us hostage with the threat of this governmental shutdown. You are responsible for cutting services to the people who you work for – our military, government employees and those who provide necessary services to our livelihood. Why is it you continue to allow these services, these people, to suffer and you keep drawing your government paycheck when everything else shuts down? It’s time to grow up people! You go without pay. A lot of you have other resources. You cut yourself off first. You work for us, so you should be the front line in feeling the pain of a government shutdown. I next address our President. As our leader, you have a greater responsibility than working on your golf handicap or jetting around the world on vacation. I’m not saying you don’t deserve some time off, but you are abusing the office with the excessive lifestyle you have exhibited. You, too, were placed in office BY THE PEOPLE. Therefore, you need to man up and start working for the people and quit hiding behind the rhetoric. You need to come clean with your promise of “transparency”….or was that just an empty promise? God put you in the office. Biblical scripture supports that argument. You are His servant, not the other way around. It’s time you understand, sir, that your responsibility to the people means listening to the majority of the people in this country instead of bowing to the voices of the minority. Finally, my heart is to this nation. Ladies and gentlemen, we are seeing the beginning of God’s judgment upon us. Like it or not, you can find in God’s Word, the Bible, what he will not tolerate in a nation, which boils down to every individual. He will not tolerate the sin, rebellion, hard-heartedness, greed, pride and arrogance the majority of the people in this land exhibit. This applies even in the church. Our nation will not survive unless there is repentance. The time is now. The hour is late. I encourage you to consider your present as well as your future. Do these issues bring me worry? No, but I am concerned. There is a difference. However, here is how I look at things: 1. I am a child of God and He never has and never will abandon me. 2. God is my source. Not my job, my church or even my country. I am a citizen of heaven first, America second, and Texas third. 3. I am working on my plan B while staying with my plan A for now. The road is not easy and I have to make sacrifices. I’m not where I need to be, but I know where I’m going. 4. I know that if this nation will not repent, there will be consequences. Most of the consequences will be simply the “built in’s” that are the result of sin. 5. Like it or not, my faith is going to be stretched. That’s the way it grows. So, now the ball is in your court, leadership of America. Are you going to fumble, or are you going to work as a team to get this nation pointed back in the right direction?
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 01:32:19 +0000

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