Please pass this around. I sent this letter to Congressman Brooks - TopicsExpress


Please pass this around. I sent this letter to Congressman Brooks office 3 days before my surgery. I did not get to meet with him face to face before, though I did get to talk to his staffer in person. But I look forward to a face to face with Congressman Brooks since I didnt die: Dear Congressman Brooks I urgently need to meet with you before 3 March 2014. Just diagnosed with brain tumor surgery 3 March have been under VA Birmingham Medical a year. With all my complaints including migraines bone pain and back pain I was ignored and not tested for correct staging. it took a year for an accurate diagnosis. To get this I went outside VA medical system to an alert (and sometimes considered lowly) nurse practitioner Meridith at Rogersville Family Care. She had me in a CT in less than 24 hours because she listened. CT identified 3.8 cm brain tumor. (I had a 3.8 cm breast cancer tumor and bilateral mastectomy in April 2013 staging only based on test of 2 lymph nodes on left side. . I requested a body scan by Dr Diego at BVA Medical Center as I was clearly getting worse. He denied it stating it doesnt extend life. The scan would likely have caught my baseball sized brain tumor probably secondary to the breast cancer identified in December 2012. Extending the quality of my life. I am now almost blind. i have submitted at least 4 requests for assistance from yous staff. they have been lied to repeatedly by BVAMC regarding delays and poor treatment. this organization is killing Gulf War and Vietnam vets with cancer. a beloved BVAMC oncology nurse saw my problems and complaints and told me to get a good doctor outside the VA. She told me I wasnt getting good care. That move away from the VA was delayed by the limited MEDICARE open season and the Obamacare rollout debacle. It was also delayed because I was already 80% disabled, 100% IU. I have a certificate of total and permanent disability from the VA. What insurance would cover me? And why should I be paying the donut hole for injuries sustained in combat. I payed thousands out of pocket for Gulf War service connected surgeries and treatment already. For the diaphragm attic hernia that included civilian cardio-thoracic surgery and the Gulf War incurred Fibromyalgia. All I aske the VA was pain control on that and got turned away. The delays in my cancer care has probably killed me. Before I had civilian access, I could not even see to drive to BVAMC and missed appointments. Proper surgical referral evaluation, work up and were staging not done by BVAMC. I was treated with immense disrespect perhaps because I am a woman veteran. This including being yelled at by Dr Diego, a South American Venezuelan oncologist who I doubt has full. Credentials and who I could not even understand much of what he said because of his accent. My sister Myra Delano was present and witnessed this. A major investigation of that center needs to occur. The VA is killing us. I am also requesting aPurple Heart for wounds sustained during a series of SCUD Attacks at Tamimi Compound in Dhahran Saudi Arabia on 22/21 Jan 91. I was the senior School trained Nuclear Biological and Chemical warfare officer at Tamimi, wounded at the very least by SCUD Inhibited Red Fuming Nitric Acid. The missile was a direct enemy attack, ordered fired by Saddam Hussein. The Tamimi Comppound was bathed in IRFNA at least 1 but more likely two hours. The IRFNA cloud was at least 2 kilometers long and 300 meters wide. Although it was night, I was outside performing chemical testing. I watched the missile reenter the atmosphere, break in half and release a very long trail of IRFNA, a highly caustic and toxic chemical. My M256 chemical tests were also positive for nerve and blister agent. I assisted 1SG Coleman submit an NBC-1report of first strike of WMD. I am quite certain we were exposed to the chemical agents and absolutely positive we were hit by IRFNA from the SCUD cloud. IMO gas mask hood was penetrated by the chemicals. I still have it. You can see the pinholes by shining a simple flashlight inside the hood. I meet the Purple Heart requirements. I was issued not one but 3 sick call slips. I have an SF 600 and placed on 48 hours quarters. All Gulf War operational records below brigade level were ordered destroyed in March at the end of the war, perhaps to avoid providing care and compensation but Dr LTC Theodore Miller gave me the SF 600 to hand carry back because he said it would never get into my records if he didnt. I still have the SF 600 and sick call slips. That is enough to qualify for the Purple Heart. I have been told by your staff the PH is not going to happen. I think if it is skillfully submitted it will be. I may lose my vision and speech on 3 March. This is my last chance to ask for your help. I am asking you personally as my Congressman, not your staff who knows less than I do about the Pzh regulation and guidance. At the very least I deserve assistance in making this submission. I voluntarily walked into that SCUD cloud while others remained buttoned up inside buildings sealed with air filters, plastic and duck tape. I volunteered to do the chemical testing to prevent the so,diets from Tamimi from unmasking too soon and becoming casualties. It was an unrecognized act of valor that frankly only four or five others had the courage to do. There would have been more documentation if the Arm had not ordered our operational records including guard eyewitness logs, NBC logs and the NBC-1 report destroyed. America needs to ask itself what kind of a nation it is. One that covers up, denies and deceives for political and financial reasons or one that takes care of its people, especially the soldiers willing to sacrifice everything. I was one of the first women paratroopers and raised my hand to volunteer for the Gulf War, Bosnia, Haiti, Somalia and Hurricane Andrew when others sought ways not to deploy. At the very least I deserve help - the best help your office can provide on this Purple Heart issue. The SCUD IRFNA cloud will be visible in the Infrared portion of the spectrum on classified and unclassified imagery alike, proving the attack happened Redstone has experts on IRFNA and the CIA stated they assessed that at least part of the cause of Gulf War Illness was due to IRFNA wounds. The CIA did not admit this until at least 1996, 5 years after the war. .Please help me, not just for myself but for all the 200,000 seriously ill (many who are actually wounded) Gulf War veterans that General Shinseki acknowledged in 2010. . Those who have already died from SCUD IRFNA and chemical agents deserve that history be corrected and their honor placed equally with veterans from other wars. My phone is 256-49X-XXXX. Please at least call me while I have most of my mental faculties. Until the 3 March brain surgery.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 14:26:58 +0000

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