Please pass this message on to any of your friends that live in - TopicsExpress


Please pass this message on to any of your friends that live in the Kenai Peninsula Borough. This election is an important one. Please get out and vote. On Tuesday, October 7, we have an important local election taking place. Next week, voters of the Kenai Peninsula will be tasked with choosing our next Borough Mayor. I am posting this because I have the unique perspective of having worked in the office next to our current Mayor, Mike Navarre for the past three years as his Chief of Staff. Id like to share my perspective with you. Before the 2011 election, I knew Mike primarily by his reputation in our community as a smart businessman and successful politician. We had served together volunteering on the Boys and Girls Club Board for a number of years and had worked together on a proposal to bring an athletic dome to the Peninsula. While he was running for Mayor in 2011, I supported his candidacy. From my perspective, he was a good choice to lead our borough forward. I didnt know quite yet that he was contemplating asking me to be his Chief of Staff. When he contacted me about the position, I was both surprised and understandably excited about the opportunity. Although I hadnt anticpated that call, everything I had learned about Mike told me it was a good match. Now, sitting here three years later, I can tell you from experience exactly what type of manager and person Mike Navarre is. I have worked in many places and with many people over the years, and Mike is without question one of the most impressive individuals I have ever worked with. I have learned a great deal watching his deliberate and intelligent approach to making decisions. He has the ability to gather information from the people around him, collaborate with those individuals, and make sound, reasonable, and responsible decisions. He absolutely refuses to compromise his integrity. If a tough message needs to be delivered, or if an unpopular decision needs to be made, he doesn’t hesitate to do it. If he says that he will do something, you can count on it. Politicians are often accused of telling everyone what they want to hear, or promising to get them what they want even if they know it’s not possible. Mike refuses to play that game. He is honest and straightforward: what you see is what you get. I began this job excited for the opportunity, but really not knowing the person I would be working for. After three years, I can tell you from working with him daily through small issues and complex ones, that Mike Navarre is a fine person with uncompromising integrity, outstanding decision making and an honest approach to the job of Mayor of the Kenai Peninsula Borough. If there is another person that lives on the Kenai Peninsula that would be a better Mayor than Mike Navarre, I certainly don’t know who that person would be.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 05:28:18 +0000

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