Please pay attention, check this source if you dont believe what - TopicsExpress


Please pay attention, check this source if you dont believe what you see, when you find out this is true get on the phone to your Senators and Congressman/woman and demand that they take action immediately to prevent Obama from using his pen and phone to enable amnesty without using Congress as the Constitution requires. Congress can pass a law that specifically states that the President and the Administrative Branch shall not take action, without the approval of Congress and the American people via ballot initiative, that equates to granting amnesty to any people that have entered into the United States illegally and who have not agreed to live by the constraints required of legal immigrants. There has been talk of implanting Radio Frequency Identification (RFI) chips in all Americans but not in illegal aliens. This law must require that all immigrants granted temporary visas to live as an American until they complete their education or other reason identified on temporary visa must agree to implantation of a RFI chip which permits the Immigration Service to find them and enforce the limitations of their visas. Those crossing the border without following the normal avenues for immigration must also have a chip implanted to allow locating them should they fail to honor the conditions upon which their temporary residence in the United States is granted. This is not a means of discrimination or prejudice. Its a necessary step taken to enable enforcement of our laws. Should those implanted with RFI chips follow the rules for their being in the United States the chips will not otherwise be used. This use of RFI chips makes sense. Implanting innocent, law abiding citizens with RFI chips that may contain explosives or poison and allow immediate termination by some bureaucrat makes no sense and must not be considered for one minute. Why, can you imagine government run amok confiscating every firearm they can get their hands on and having the means to eradicate nearly everyone they consider to be their enemy with the push of a button? People would live like zombies fearing that anything they do could cause the wrath of Cain to befall them at any and every moment. Free people who own their government and grant the right to govern them to those they elect to do so within our Central Government must not live in constant fear of those people ending their lives at any moment. The government must fear the people in order for us to remain free. If it gets to the point where we fear the government we will have lost our country and our freedom. Think about it. Act now to alter the tide of change that is about to give control over us to government. If participation in our government by a much larger percentage of Americans is not attained, America has no chance. I do not really know what has caused the degree of apathy that exists today but it has to be turned around and pride in being an American has to return. Americans have to chase the poison of Political Correctness out of our lives and live patriotism to the fullest. Please help by doing your part to end apathy and grow patriotism. Thanks!
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 03:43:36 +0000

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