Please pray for Tokushima Prefecture. 1.) Pray for God to bring - TopicsExpress


Please pray for Tokushima Prefecture. 1.) Pray for God to bring Christians in this prefecture to reading His Word daily and to consistently be in prayer. Ask that they will be more conformed to the Lord Jesus and grow in knowledge of Him. Ask for God to supply both their basic and special needs. 2.) Pray the gospel of Jesus Christ will reach the lost of this prefecture. Pray God will mercifully soften the hearts of those who hear the gospel here and that He will give them faith to have in Christ. Pray that converts will be properly discipled. 3.) Ask that this will be done unto Gods glory and continue down the generations until Christ returns. Note: Do not undervalue praying for people within a limited area; its good pray more specifically than even a country sometimes.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 17:24:05 +0000

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