Please pray for my high school teacher/biggest bad ass, Ricki - TopicsExpress


Please pray for my high school teacher/biggest bad ass, Ricki Garfield. She is a beautiful soldier battling cancer. Even if you dont know her, please send up a prayer anyway. Also pray and support others battling the monster. Donate $$$ for research. Anything. Just spread awareness. Heres a bit of Rickis experience: I have metastatic breast cancer...which has spread to my bones. Needless to say...Im not a happy camper. Faslodex was my oncologist’s drug of choice for me. Ive been on it since July 28, 2014....My first month was loading dosage...and each month that has followed I receive two injections in my tush...250mg each...for a total of 500mg monthly. Tomorrow, Monday November 17, 2014, will be my third round...not including the month of loading. As per my PET scan one month ago...the Faslodex has not started working. From everything I have been told...and takes four to even six rounds to start working...if in fact it works at all.....@%^&*@#...says it all...if ya know what I mean. What has kicked in from Faslodex...are some horrific side effects......About a month ago...I started having a strange little cough...dry...most of the time.....At times the cough becomes uncontrollable for aprox 15 / 20 minutes...then calms. NOTHING works at relieving it...although I suck down water like it is my last drink on earth...and use a wonderful...soothing throat drop, Halls Breezers...Cool Berry...which eases me...even if it is only psychologically, it is magical. The cough has gotten considerably worse over time...and for those that dont know me...I am sure they think I smoke ten packs a day. My voice is also affected at times due to the cough. My breathing is horrific...and I can no longer walk for any length of time...or for more than a short distance.....Nor can I walk and talk without coughing...and or losing my breath. Stamina...this I have none of!!! And this past week...the shit hit the fan.....Joining the cough...are bone and joint well as muscle pain. When I called my doctor...@ Sloan Kettering...I spoke with the nurse...and she had not a damn clue as to what might help. As a matter of fact...she told me that she has never heard of any of the side effects that I am now having. WHATS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE???? EVERYTHING!!! However...when I check reputable sites...I find not a few...but hundreds of other people with the same side effects. From what I have read on all the sites...the only way WE are going to get help with issues like by sharing with one another. Not one of the individuals that I speak of has had any positive help with their side effects from their doctors. Am I pissed off??? You bet I am. As for depression...that only comes in small doses for yesterday...when my body hurt me so cough was out of control...I had difficulty breathing...and I could not stand on my own two feet without holding on. That moment in time has passed...but for how long??? What will I be hit with next??? When???
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 03:57:39 +0000

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