Please read Matthew 15:16-20 “AND JESUS SAID”: As wondering - TopicsExpress


Please read Matthew 15:16-20 “AND JESUS SAID”: As wondering at, and as being displeased with, and as reproving them for their dullness and ignorance: are ye also yet without understanding? You my disciples, as well as the Scribes and Pharisees; you, who have been with me so long. Who have heard so many discourses from me, who for so long a time have been instructed by me, both in private, and in public; and yet do not understand what is so plain and easy, that has nothing of difficulty in it, but what might easily be accounted for. DO YE NOT UNDERSTAND: The meaning of this may be thus expressed: The food which is eaten does not affect the mind, and therefore cannot pollute it. The doctrine of the Pharisees, that neglect of washing and of similar observances defiles a man, cannot be true. Those things pertain to the body as much as food does, and they cannot affect the soul. “BUT THOSE THINGS WHICH PROCEED OUT OF THE MOUTH”: Meaning not material things, as spittle, vomit, etc., but as it follows, which come forth from the heart: are first conceived and formed there, and then come forth from thence, and are expressed by the mouth; as all idle words, foolish talking, filthy jesting, unsavory communication, and every word that is rotten and corrupt, or which is done in the life and conversation. And they defile the man: the heart is the corrupt fountain from whence almoral defilement flows; and sinful words and actions are the impure streams, which spring from thence, and increase the moral pollution of human nature. “OUT OF THE HEART”: In the heart of an unregenerate man, the principles and seeds of all sin are found. And iniquity is always conceived in the heart before it be spoken or acted. Is there any hope that a man can abstain from outward sin till his heart, that abominable fountain of corruption, is thoroughly cleansed? All wicked imaginations, carnal reasoning, lustful desires, and malicious contrivances, are here included; which take their rise from, and are devised, and forged, in the corrupt heart of man “THESE....DEFILE A MANT”: Our Lords argument is very plain. What goes into the mouth descends into the stomach and other intestines; part is retained for the nourishment of the body, and part is ejected, as being improper to afford nourishment. Nothing of this kind defiles the soul, because it does not enter into it; but the evil principles that are in the heart, producing evil thoughts, murders, etc., these defile the soul, because they have their seat and operation in it. You see these Pharisees looked on the outward appearance to judge. Jesus looks on the heart of the inner man. evangelbrave.blogspot
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 06:20:11 +0000

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