Please read Tom Woewiyus views on Dual Citizenship: Former - TopicsExpress


Please read Tom Woewiyus views on Dual Citizenship: Former Senate Pro-Tempore of the Liberian Senate, Former Defence Minister, RL, and Ex-General and Spokesman of the National Patriotic Front of Liberia (NPFL) by former President Charles Taylor, Thomas Jucontee Woewiyu’ views on Dual Citizenship ON DUAL CITIZENSHIP A PROPOSED SOLUTION BY JUCONTEE THOMAS WOEWIYU, SR. I am strongly opposed to and offended by the lobby for dual citizenship—the idea that Liberians in the diaspora who have acquired skills and competences which they can contribute to the development of the nation will not do so unless they are granted dual citizenship is appalling. That is, they are unwilling to lift a finger to help the war-torn land of their nativity that is in dire need of human resources. This is gross insensitivity and lack of patriotism. What do we make of the case of Liberians residing in the United States who, in naturalizing as American citizens, have sworn that their American citizenship is superior to any other citizenship on earth and cannot be subordinated to any other citizenship in the world? There is no government to government treaties between Liberia and the United States regarding dual citizenship; thus, if Liberia were to unilaterally grant an American citizen a dual citizenship in Liberia, this would imply that Liberia accepts the superiority of the individual’s American citizenship. In this world of might makes right, what would stop a dual citizen who has committed a crime in Liberia from hiding behind the greater power? Additionally, by the grace of God, time as a great healer has caused us to gradually overcome “the Americo Liberian and Congo Man” ethnic strife which has haunted our nation for more than a century. Why should we now create a new group of Americo-Liberians—in a country now comprising of a mosaic of indigenous, ethnicities. I think that they will be the most despised people in the nation. As for children born unto Liberians in the United States or Western countries, leave them out of the dual citizenship nonsense. They are Americans, Europeans, etc. They know their Liberian Heritage but do not need a label of dual citizenship. Take notice of President Obama’s history. Had the Kenyans granted him a dual citizenship and not the “Never to Return” that was given him by the Kenyan Parliament because he talk about corruption in Kenya, he would not be President of the United States today. Proposed Solution In the new constitution under construction Liberian citizenship should be redefined in catagories as follows: Category (A) Citizenship A person born in the Republic of Liberia onto a union of at least one indigenous Liberian citizen. Such citizenship is sovereign and inalienable. As such, the citizenship nor its benefits cannot be revoked by any law in the land. It shall not be affected by any other citizenship a sovereign Liberian citizen may adopt or acquire. Such citizen shall, at all times travel in and out of Liberia with a Liberian Passport. This class of citizenship can only be terminated by death. Category (B) Citizenship A person who has lived in Liberia for more than ten years and chooses to naturalize as a citizen. Such citizenship can be cancelled, revoked or terminated for causes such as: Moral turpitude, act of treason, naturalization in another country or joining the army of another country. Category (C) Citizenship A person born in the Republic of Liberia onto the union of two foreigners shall remain a foreigner until the age of 21 when he or she shall exercise the option to affirm his or her Liberian citizenship through the court of law. Upon such affirmation, the individual shall become a category (A) citizen
Posted on: Wed, 21 May 2014 01:20:04 +0000

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