Please read, share, and keep praying! God is Faithful! As - TopicsExpress


Please read, share, and keep praying! God is Faithful! As Christen says.... we need your prayers as much today as we ever have! Thank you, friends, for praying! Repeat after me: I am not in control, I am not in control By Christen Perry — 3 hours ago “The grace of God means something like: Here is your life. You might never have been, but you are because the party wouldnt have been complete without you. Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Dont be afraid. I am with you. Nothing can ever separate us. Its for you I created the universe. I love you. Sometimes I wish that I didn’t have to be reminded so often that I’m not the one in control. Thinking back over the last 19 years and the early years of parenting. I was THAT mom. The one who didn’t allow my kids to ride in the car with anyone else but family. The one who tried to control every move, the one who went to great lengths to make sure that everything went just as I had planned it out in my head. The mom that worried about every single thing, big and small. The one who wanted everything to be just right all the time. Not that those are bad things in and of themselves. but looking back now, I realize that no amount of planning, worrying, manipulating, and controlling really make a difference. It’s God’s plan that matters. He is in control. In this world both good and bad things will happen to us. Life can change in an instant. We’re not guaranteed tomorrow, or even our next breath, but we are guaranteed that He loves us and He cares for us, and He has a plan for our future. A plan not to harm us, but to give us hope and a future. Last night we left our house to head to my parent’s for my early birthday dinner with the family. Andrew and his friend, Allie, left in his car, Morgan followed in her car, and Rob, Kayla and I followed in my car right behind them. All the way there we chatted about our day, and just before we turned into my parent’s neighborhood, we came upon a car that had obviously spun out of control, and had jumped the curb and was hanging off of guardrail headed into the ravine below. I knew it was Andrew’s car in a split second. The fear, panic, crying, screaming that ensued was everything you can imagine that it was. If you saw the skid marks, tire tracks in the mud, the way the car bounced around, along with the fact that there was not another car coming around the curve at the time he lost control, you would know too, that it is a miracle that neither Andrew nor Allie had a scratch, bruise or bump on their body. Morgan came up on the scene first and immediately called 911 in tears. She was afraid to go back to Andrew’s car for fear of what she would see. But thankfully, the dispatcher was able to tell her that both Andrew and Allie were ok because of another passerby who was also on the phone with 911 who saw them crawl out of the car. It took three wreckers to remove Andrew’s car from its perch. Needless to say, it was a memorable night, but again, a reminder that God is in control and that He provides grace and mercy for each situation that we find ourselves in, and for that, I am thankful. As I write today, Kayla and I are mid-flight on our way to Kayla’s first consultation with Neuroblastoma specialists at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP). We hope to gather information and get opinions and start formulating what her options are for continuing treatment. Tomorrow we will leave Philly and meet Rob, Morgan, and Andrew in Chicago for our family summer vacation. We plan to just be tourists, take boat tours, a Segway tour, eat good food, and Morgan will have a very fun and unique senior photo shoot there too! We are super excited about our little vacation. We’ll take the train from Chicago to Milwaukee where we’ll spend 4 days with Rob’s company, Northwestern Mutual, attheir annual meeting. It’s the first time in 6 years that we’ve taken the whole family to the event, and we are really looking forward to some really good quality, fun, and much needed family time. When we leave Milwaukee, we’ll split up again. Kayla and I will fly to NYC to Sloan Kettering Memorial Hospital to meet with another team of Neuroblastoma specialists, and the rest of the family will head home. Again, we just hope to gain more insight on what is going to be the best course of treatment as we move forward. Of course we hope that whatever continuing treatment that Kayla feels is best for her will be conducive to her starting Auburn on August 18. There are many factors that will weigh in on her decision. She has one more week of antibody treatment July 27 – Aug 1 at Children’s of AL. She will have follow up scans and biopsies the week of August 11. We have a lab in Boston that is trying very hard to study her bone marrow biopsies from May of 2013 and is looking for genetic markers in her cancer cells that will help the doctors determine the best course of treatment. So, here are our prayer requests: · Pray for wisdom of the doctors that we will meet with over the next week.· Pray for discernment on our part as we listen and get ready to make decisions concerning possible treatments· Pray that the lab in Boston will be able to find what they need to about Kayla’s cancer that will help get rid of it forever.· Pray that we would be able to enjoy our vacation time together and that we will be able to disconnect from work, cancer, and all of the other things on our minds. · Pray that Kayla’s cancer cells are being destroyed even now and that God would continue to work a miracle in her body and heal her of this stupid, awful disease.· Pray for our friends Luke, Angel, Ollie, Kenzie, Gregory, Emma, Kenna,, and so many more, all who are fighting today. And pray for my mama friends who are learning to live life without their child today. The struggle is real. I know it’s a long post. Thank you for reading, praying and sharing. We won’t have any kinds of results or things to share for a few weeks until we accumulate all of the information we hope to gather over the next few weeks. Please keep praying; we need your prayers now as much as we did 15 months ago. Much love and many hugs to each of you. We are blessed, and you are loved. Christen heart
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 17:25:44 +0000

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