Please read the article which has appeared in the 17th September - TopicsExpress


Please read the article which has appeared in the 17th September 2013 Uganda Newvision. New evangelism has reached KCCA. This is why the president Museveni & KCCA Executive Director, Jennipher Musisi did not appoint any Muslims in any 8 new director posts. The truth is out. Evangelism (abalokole) are camped in the KCCA headquarters preaching their message there. Uganda Muslims its time to know that these are systemically & organised agenda to sideline or secluding Uganda Muslims from getting positions both in the central government and Mengo. Even Mengo’s new cabinet. There are only 2 Muslims in junior positions. When did the religion become a barometer to get the powerful positions in Uganda? What disturbs me is that Uganda is a member of Organisation of Islamic Countries since 1974. The Uganda government benefits from the OIC funds to spearhead its projects. The Uganda government has received funds from individual Islamic states including Saudi Arabia. However, when it comes to get senior positions in the state. We are sidelined or given less important ministries to appease the myopic Muslims. The only position which is even generating hatred from Ugandans given and which the state influences its services in order to retain the incumbent and tarnish the Muslims’ names (Azziz Kasujja & Badru Kiggundu) and that is the Uganda Electoral Commission. The former and latter are puppets with less influence with the national results hence Muslim faces are put in the public to be guillotined. Do we still being regarded as illiterate or taxi drivers ( mafuta mingi)? Why are we secluded in the Uganda politics? READ MORE AT: um-bs/2013/09/18/this-is-why-uganda-muslims-where-not-given-directors-posts-in-kcca/
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 09:27:03 +0000

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