Please read the following in the manner in which it is written. - TopicsExpress


Please read the following in the manner in which it is written. The tone of the following is soft and kind but the intent is resolute.: Because #Facebook insists on posting some of the Memes, statuses and comments that a user responds to on the newsfeed of other users and insists on running a tab of everyones activities on the web version (I use a phone app and dont see that), sometimes we see things with which we dont agree. I was raised with manners and respect and I carry those traits over to the world of social media. I dont go running into a conversation to argue opposing points if I would not be party to that conversation if it were not for Facebooks manipulative methods to engage its users. It is a fact that a recent study came out in which Facebook manipulated its users to see how it affected them psychologically. Please dont allow yourself to fall prey to this type of manipulation. I have always been very careful about what I write on my personal page. If I write something, and you have a view other than my own, it is fine for you to share that view with me. I do not expect everyone to think like me or to have the same convictions that I have. If I write it on my wall, I expect that there will be those two might not agree with me. I also expect that all of my friend have enough maturity and kindness that we can discuss opposing views and still remain friends. However, on occasion, I will comment or like things that some of my friends do not like on the pages of other friends or public figures. Believe it or not, I am always very aware of what I am commenting on knowing that it could show up in someones newsfeed. Now to the real point of this post, if you are following the things that I am writing on other peoples pages or you are following my activity in your news feed log to the right of your screen on your regular computer for those who are not using a phone application, and you take it upon yourself to not only read what has been written but to comment on those things in a manner that is antagonistic to the feelings of my friends and myself then I will delete you as a friend and block you if necessary. As I said, if it is on my personal page then I am big enough to take opposing opinions and actually enjoy exploring views other than my own . If you are stalking me or dont have the sense to see that I am writing on someone elses page and Facebook is manipulating you, and you make antagonistic comments then the reciprocations are on you. In the last couple of weeks, I have had an individual in person make a racist comment in my presence and then on Facebook what I consider a racist comment was made in two instances. As the grandmother of a bi racial grandaughter who I love dearly, I am just saying if you make racist comments in my presence from now on I will speak kindly but I will SPEAK. I simply want to say that If I am commenting on someone elses PERSONAL page and you are following me around and making comments as well, then I have a problem with that. If it is a public page, then I still have an issue with the fact that Facebook makes it so easy for us to stalk each other, but it is what it is, and I dont have any problem with an individual stating their opinions. Remember, this is written and gentleness and love but I have to say what I feel. I respect differences of opinion and everyones right to express them. Lets use common etiquette when we do so and use the proper place and proper timing to discuss important issues and consider each others opinions. As far as racist remarks are concerned, there is no time or place for individuals to be that hateful.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 11:45:32 +0000

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