Please read these names and remember them DAVID COOKE PETER STEEN - TopicsExpress


Please read these names and remember them DAVID COOKE PETER STEEN DAFFYD VERVA FRANK BIGGS RUSSELL EVANS KEN WHITE junior thesre our local members of the wrexham community that I have personally made statements against if high profile names ares being named and shamed then in my opinion these CHILD ABUSEING BASTARDS should be delt with accordingly to the law also I will fight tooth and nail to bring charges of physical mental and racial abuse to these pondlife sum bags STEEN AND RICHARD DAFFYD VERA are alteady on bail DAVE COOKE and the rest of you filthy scum bags your turn is comming particularly KEN WHITE and cooke and FRANK BIGGS Abuse is Abuse and you will be dealt with Fact. Its called justice I have 3 children of my own and can honestly say I would never ever treat my children how you scumbags so called carers treated us I know how all your asses ars twitching see you in Court scum child abusing bastards.PS WHAT WE WANT IS JUSTICE FOR THE BOYS AND GIRLS WHOM ARE NO LONGER WITH US RIP And as said ill fight to with all my might to get us ALL JUSTICE.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 10:16:37 +0000

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