Please read this~~11 December 2014 To fit the bill of a WIFE, - TopicsExpress


Please read this~~11 December 2014 To fit the bill of a WIFE, you have to know the importance of knowing how to take care of your man, while at the same time allowing him to BE The MAN. Its NOT a motherly role youre hired to play. Its a helpmate role. You must be careful NOT to strip him of his overall duty as a protector, provider (spiritually, emotionally, physically, and financially) and head! (Note to MEN: PLEASE dont get lead/head confused with DICTATOR... THIN line, whole nuthA message) If you as a wife feel overwhelmed with duty, youre probably playing dual roles. In my case, (as the young wife I was) that was the major misconception! Ill go ahead and chalk that up to a young in age AND mental... (Yes you can be one and NOT the other) Any man that allows (or that is comfortable with) their wife carrying the load of two is NOT being The MAN... This can all be foreseen and prevented BEFORE the ring, (AKA: The extravagant material that makes one believe it MAKES her a wife...~side eye~) before the engagement, (which is the ring) and DEFINITELY BEFORE that walk down the aisle! Get it right and understood BEFORE The Big Show Aka: The PEOPLE Wedding! Because that show is for the spectators. After that BIG SHOW, comes this thing called the slow down, better known as the MARRIAGE. Thats the TRUE TEST, and its what you both have to LIVE WITH! NO audience, (unless their haters waiting to see failure) NO cheers, NO oohs and awes, Just Husband and Wife! Love life
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 13:29:26 +0000

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