Please read; this it is important. I pray God allows you to read - TopicsExpress


Please read; this it is important. I pray God allows you to read this. God said all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. He meant everyone that has walked on earth, me and you, the pope , the priest, the fathers, the preachers , the so called Christians and all the rest of the people; (except Jesus Christ). We have all sinned and come short of the glory of God, we cannot hide it; It is a fact we have to admit. The end of sin is death and then Hell, after God judges us. God said seek me while I am near, that means that he will not always be near to hear us. I believe this is the generation that God said would be dammed, because they will not believe nor receive the truth. I believe that God is stepping back where he cannot hear those that may call upon him. If he is, then those in this generation have very little hope of salvation. Our body is made up of two parts, a flesh side and a spiritual side. If the spiritual side is alive there is a battle between the two all the time, but if the spirit is not alive then the flesh side rules our life. Then we know not when we sin or break God’s laws, because the flesh is generally ruled by Satan, because the spirit is not there to prevent him. We cannot live a good enough life no matter how good we are nor can we do enough good deeds for others to get to heaven. That is a free gift of salvation given to us only by God which is through his son; Jesus Christ. He did this so that no one could brag about how he got to heaven, because that would be a sin. Which, Sin is what God is about to destroy when he cast it into Hell along with all those that has sin in their body. The only way to receive this free gift that will bring our spirit to life is; we must be born again: God said that if a man or woman is not born of the water and the spirit they cannot enter the kingdom of God. We cannot go back into our mother’s womb and be born again; we all are born of the water, which happened when we were born as a baby and God breathed the breath of life into us, and we became a living soul. Being born of the spirit is where Jesus Christ comes in. When we ask Jesus to come into our heart he comes in and he brings the Holy Spirit with him and they bring our spirit to life. This is what salvation is all about; receiving Jesus Christ as our savior; this is being born again or born of the spirit. Without Jesus we cannot go to heaven. God has to first give us faith before we can believe; I have been harping about your sins, and mine are far greater and more than yours. I am sorry, I should have told you the truth about why it hurt me to watch you sin; not thinking that you did not know the difference. But if the spirit comes to life in you, you will know the difference. If your spirit is not brought to life, then you will live in the flesh until you die and then God will judge you: If there is sin in your body, and everyone has it there if they are not born of the spirit. Then he will sentence you to death; and then cast you into Hell. I am glad that I am finally able to tell you the truth. Now it is up to you because you know the truth. I will be praying for you that you to understand. If we call upon God; God will hear us, and forgive us our sins, when we ask Jesus to come into our heart. I will be praying that you will. God bless you and Keep you until Jesus comes.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 15:22:30 +0000

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