Please read this share. Its written from the heart-felt fiber of - TopicsExpress


Please read this share. Its written from the heart-felt fiber of my being. I am having a truly incredible Seminar. I am participating in the Landmark Forum. I did this years ago, and was so full of myself that I think I missed a lot of it. Ultimately I got it, and this time, I could get the whole thing! I am sitting there thinking, we did this last time?? We did. What a revolutionary, extraordinary, program this is! I am no Landmark Forum Leader, but let me have a go at a basic what is it: In life, we know so much, and it gets us by, however, it doesnt have any impact upon the quality of our life. We have all these experiences in our life that we dont have any power in due to blind spots. Its in these blind spots that the quality of our life is possible to have a breakthrough, and wow, what a breakthrough!! It is like my eyes are open for the first time, and I am completely free of any constraints! Its educational tools for practical use that reveal what it is to be a human being. How do I explain that!?! Its like a dog is a dog due to the natural instincts and behaviours of a dog. A human being is a human being due to the natural instincts and behaviours of a human being. Only thing is, we are so immersed in it, we dont even know what that is! So we walk around blinded to our instincts that run us, rather than being at the source of our life. We spend our life responding and reacting to our circumstances, we have the formula backwards because we dont know that we dont even know that we dont know! I got SO many things out of the Forum, and its not even finished yet! Something that I got, one example : When I was a teenager, I was sitting on the bus from school with the other kids, and one of the kids said something, and all the other kids laughed. I remember thinking, why was that funny? It was mean and unnecessary. She was a popular kid. Why was she popular? What did she do that I didnt? What was it about her that had the other kids think of her that way? I decided at that time that I didnt get it. So I decided I needed to watch and learn. I barely spoke for the next 6 months, I was busy studying everything people said, their responses, facial expressions, intonations, body language, phrasing, everything! I have been living inside of that thought ever since - I dont get it! Only, I forgot that I came up with that idea, and I have been living like its true. I have been learning in some way ever since, an evolving study of people and why they do what they do that has them succeed. Inside of this thought, I became a learner, smart, intelligent, analytical, and ultimately a teacher of what I have discovered. Is it any wonder I ended up in Psychological Education???? No! Wow! This is one of the things I have made up about myself that automatically runs my life for me. Great when I am teaching a client. Not so great when I am having a hard time telling my daughter something and go into teaching mode to compensate for feeling unheard! Learning to recognise and catch that I am doing this at inappropriate times allows me to be responsible for what I am doing, and to choose how I am going to be instead. I dont have to spend my life covering for the story I made up about myself that I dont get it. I have lived like it was true! And the crazy thing is, it never happened, I made it up. Sure, a girl said something mean on a bus that others laughed at. I could have made up anything! Like : popular people are mean, or, I dont get jokes, or, people mindlessly follow popular people, or, blah blah blah. None of those would have been true either. There is just what happened, and what I made it mean about myself, and what I made it mean is something I made up in my thinking. What I got, is that I dont have to live like that is true anymore! It wasnt anyway! It is incredible how much this one incident has impacted my whole life up till now! And thats just one moment!!! Imagine a world full of non reactive people, who are clear, free and alive in their lives, living a passionate life they love and able to genuinely be with each other. Nothing to hide, nothing to fear. Trauma and suffering, gone. This is possible for your life. I think we would change the fundamental understanding of what it is to be a human being. Its completely possible. I have seen this happen with 128 other people over the weekend. Anyone can come and join in for my final session, from 7pm onwards, at the Brisbane Technology Park. I invite you, everyone, to come and discover this incredible phenomenon known as the Landmark Forum.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 02:30:13 +0000

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