Please read this testimonial by Leslie VanSinderen This is my - TopicsExpress


Please read this testimonial by Leslie VanSinderen This is my story on how Plexus Slim has helped my 8 year old with ADHD. Since my son was about 3 years old, I knew he had a problem. Then, and over the years I would notice that he was overly hyper, could not concentrate, liked things to be routine, would lie and believe it, had anger issues, uncontrollable noise would shut him down. Examples, radio, vaccums, tv, people talking loudly or laughing loudly. It hurt his ears so bad he would be in fetal position. I say uncontrolable because, if he was the cause of the noise, it didnt bother him. I was told from 3 yrs. old that hes just being a little boy, he needs discipline, theres nothing wrong!! I fought with his teachers because for little things he would get in a world of trouble. If he needed to tell his teachers something important, he would try and tell them and they would very rudly tell him to sit down and to shutup (not in MS schools!!). He would argue with them so he could say what he needed to say because, if he didnt say it, he would forget it. Then that would upset him. He needs one on one and eye to eye. Comeing from a family of teachers, I know thats hard with a class full, but not impossible! His self esteem started slipping away. As parents, we try so hard to build our children up. Because of getting in trouble at home for things he couldnt help and for getting in trouble at school for trying to tell a teacher something, he was going down. Thought the world hated him. I actually found that on a piece of paper in his room,"Why does everyone hate me"! Not cool yall, just not cool!! I am a parent who does not like medication. Thought if I could get teachers, friends parents and who everelse, to understand and to help me, I could get away with no medication. Everyone was awesome, but the teachers. Again, not the MS teachers. I get so angry just thinking about how this one teacher did him. 2 years ago, my huband and I broke down and had him tested for ADHD. Doc confirmes our thoughts and he is put on Adderall 10mg twice a day. Ofcourse it started helping him and I was ecstatic. I did not like what he was or the side effects of it, but with the doctors assurance, we stayed with it. Plexus came into my life a few months back. I have used it, never thought in a million years of having my boy take it for ADHD. He has been on Plexus for less than a week. AND thy hyperness has cut down, but hes not a zombie! The arguements have cut down, the tantrums have cut down, his stress is gone, self-esteem is coming back up, he is sleeping at night, he can sit at the computer and play a game with out bounceing in the chair. He no longer has the dry look in his eyes. They sparkle and his smile just shines, his laugh is one of the best sounds I have heard in a long time. When your child struggles with ADHD, ADD, Autism, etc. You, as a parent, start doubting yourself. What could I have done different, what am I doing wrong, why cant people just accept my child. Just like its not their fault, its not your fault. Be aware of the issue at hand, and do your best to help. A child with either of the above or more, is not spoiled, does not lack discipline, they are loveing and careing children, they are smart beyond their years. Give them a chance. Learn from them. Heaven knows, I have learned so much from my 8 yr. old. But please, if you dont want your child on harsh prescriptions, if you dont want them to go through the world feeling unwanted or unloved, etc. Please give Plexus a try. From mother to mother, from parent to parent IT WORKS!!
Posted on: Tue, 17 Sep 2013 20:14:00 +0000

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