Please remember to read the following text in this segment, had it - TopicsExpress


Please remember to read the following text in this segment, had it been necessary to enhance the legibility of the smaller text in the graphic by clicking on the graphic itself. By the bye, the design of the graphic had to be altered. Come to find out, not that many Americans are terribly familiar with Holy Writ. Incidentally, there’s far more cause plus a dollop of reason to believe the graphic’s main message than to entertain hope for the incoming Senate Majority leader’s reneging on the commitments he made the Koch brothers and other “dark money” donors. Sorry about that long sentence. Suppose it’ll take an actual government shut-down to honor those aforementioned commitments, that should make for an interesting situation. Would (?) the man then renege on the commitments he made to those American people, who voted as members of the 99% for his political party! Take my word for it, my little chick-a-dees, the conflict between those two sets of comments is huge and serious and unavoidable. Down in the following text, I’m providing a humungous hint as to why. With your permission, dear visitor, let’s get right to a few snippets of a speech, both reality-based and persuasive, the losing Democratic candidate for junior Kentucky senator didn’t but could’ve delivered : ************************ “My opponent must think the year is 2016 and he’s running for President of the United States, all with the intent of denying President Barack Husain Obama a third term. You heard me right .. denying our current President a third term. And everybody, who’s ever sat through high school civics, knows the Constitution limits the number of full terms anybody may serve as president to only two. You heard me right .. only two. “Really, when you come right down to it, for what other reason (?), is the man fixated on the President! “Maybe, somebody should inform him that Obama isn’t on the ballot for Kentucky senator. I am. Oh, yes, I do hope whoever so informs him does so very gingerly. Maybe, somewhat more cynical motivation for why he’s campaigning the way he is comes from the vain hope I’ll abandon the President. No way, that’s going to happen. I had Obama’s back, when I was a delegate to the Democratic convention. I had his back then. And I still have his back. If I abandon him now, what would take make me? “I ask you, ‘What reasonable person, who loves Kentucky, would then trust me?’ Before I may ask for your vote, I should provide you with some indication that I am worthy of your trust. I believe my watching my President’s back is more than strong enough indication, more than strong enough justification for my asking you to vote for me. “Just as I’m not abandoning my President, neither would I ever abandon the people of this great Commonwealth of Kentucky. For the moment, let me address the situation of the people here in Kentucky, whose fate is intertwined with that of coal ... and I mean “COAL” spelled in all upper-case letters. “No two ways about it, the economy for our friends in Kentucky’s coal region is failing them miserably. Well, here’s a suggestion I believe merits more than serious consideration. It merits action. The Commonwealth, with some help from the federal government, should establish two or three community colleges. “Those community colleges would by themselves, alone, improve the economy by their sheer existence. The salaries of the people, who would have to be hired to instruct and maintain and administer, would infuse money into the region. “’And what (?) about the young people, graduating from those community colleges’, somebody might ask. Right now, to earn a living by using the skills they’ve learned, they’ll have to move out of coal country. Unfortunately, that’s true. “Here’s something else to consider. Transportation infrastructure in our coal region is in sad shape. Nobody sensible denies that. And so, we’ll have to renovate that infrastructure in such a way that it connects eastern Kentucky with the rest of the Kentucky, and ultimately the world. Improving transportation enhances the prospects for economic development. Enhanced economic development increases the chances for the recent community college graduates to find suitable employment in their chosen fields of endeavour. “We are living a global economy, after all. “By the way, renovating that infrastructure shall require some help from the federal government. As your Senator, I’ll be devoting one hundred and ten percent of my efforts in getting that help, and what’s more, not just for the people in our coal region, but for all of the people, who love living in Kentucky and want to continue living in Kentucky.” ************************** Okay, the above text between the two lines of asterisks (*) and set off with quotes (“ “) should give the visitor some idea of the speech that should’ve been delivered. .... yeah, yeah, hindsight is 20/20 ... Consider this. The future contains more political campaigns. One nice thing about failure, it’s a damn good teacher. Whoever ignores its lessons does so at grave peril. Before clicking on the soon-to-be-revealed hyperlink, this may be worthy of consideration. The good people, who provided the “dark money” that made the recent national elections what they were, are expecting a humungous return on their investment. Well, if such comes to be, the federal government shall have to surrender anywhere from one quarter to a third of revenue. It’s one thing to borrow 150 to 200 billion dollars to make up for the short fall. It’s quite another to borrow, say, a trillion. Here’s one thing to consider. Neither the Koch brothers nor the other dark money donors would blithely accept the mea culpa of “Gee, I’m sorry for over-promising”. Here’s the thing. Forestalling such borrowing of such magnitude would make it necessary to seize the pension funds of people, who had to labor for twenty-five to thirty-five years, to build those funds. Who (?) would be so rude as to tell a sixty-nine old pensioner to try living on half of what had been promised! After clicking on this hyperlink, which connects your monitor to two minutes of a slide show with stirring music, please consider to peruse the text underneath the hyperlink. ... yeah, this is pretty late in the day .. even so, I’m going to stick my neck out on this. There are several parallels between the biography of our contemporaneous President and many of the incidents in the four Christian gospels. For instance, the Saviour began his mission as a faith healer. The president pushed through the Affordable Care Act, derisively known as “Obamacare”. According to many authoritative and trust-worthy reports, it’s working even better than anybody expect. So well in fact, the Senator, who set as his party’s main legislative goal the limiting Obama to one term as president, is trying to step away from the recent 53 attempts to repeal Obamacare. He’s promised to save it for Kentucky. What a sham! Repealing that hated Obamacare means the abolition of the benefits, citizens of the Commonwealth of Kentucky are currently enjoying via the Affordable Care Act. What tickles me is the parallel between “before the cock crows twice, you shall deny me thrice” and the very recent attempts by a great number of Democratic candidates for national office to put distance between themselves and their President. ... oh, and let’s not forget Pentecost with ever so many Democrats, right now, boldly swearing their fealty to Obama. I can imagine the good people at Saturday Night Live, performing a skit with the title “Obama Is Risen”. ... oh, I concur, they would be skirting being charged with blasphemy. In a world, where God and Mammon are interchangeable, that’s excusable. After all, the good people at SNL get paid to perpetrate such gaucherie. Well, if that aforementioned Senator thought he had problems, dealing with a purely secular Obama, he’s going to have fun, dealing with a quasi-religious Obama. ... yeah, yeah, he can try via that recent Canadian Cuban immigrant’s urging the impeaching President Barack Husain Obama. When you come right down to, that immigrant cheered the House of Representatives, as that body shut down the government. Well, here’s something else to consider. Shouldn’t (?) an impeached president, out of shame, then follow the example of President Richard Milhaus Nixon. That President needed only the certain prospect of impeachment to respond with resignation! Well, here’s the thing in that event. Impeachment is enacted by a simple majority of the House of Representatives. If impeached, the President would then be perfectly justified in refusing to resign, claiming the current membership of House of Representatives is illegitimate. The Republicans obtained their majority through voter suppression and gerrymandering. Both practices manifestly both corrupt democracy and frustrate the true will of the people. Before impeachment can be capped off with removal from office, two-thirds of the members of the United States Senate must impose the sentence of removal ... much like in the manner a jury imposes the verdict of guilty. True enough, albeit not a majority, the President’s political party does hold more than enough seats in the Senate to frustrate removal. To put it all in a nut shell, all the Tea-Party-hydrophobic Republicans could’ve done to that alleged undocumented Kenyan immigrant, they’ve done. And he’s still large and in charge. Sure, they can still impeach. So what?! Impeachment will stick like the way water sticks to a duck’s ass. The way I see it, Obama is the perfect exemplar of Nietzsche’s dictum ... “What does not destroy me makes me harder.” By the bye, I still affirm the following: “magnetic monopoles are extinct”. @@@@@@@@@@@@
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 16:37:17 +0000

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