Please say a quick prayer for my family. My mom is having surgery - TopicsExpress


Please say a quick prayer for my family. My mom is having surgery in the morning. Thank you so much. Details are below (if you’re interested and have the time): My mother is at GRU in the Department of Urology preparing for a full left kidney removal. A few weeks ago, a sonogram showed a mass in her kidney. All masses in the kidneys are cancer, so since then my poor mama has been poked and prodded and scanned and scanned again. It was found that she has Stage 4 renal cancer. The mass in her kidney is approximately 12 cm. They believe it’s been there for over a year. It was asymptomatic, which is why it was already so big before my mom went to the doctor. So far we know that cancer has spread into the renal vein all the way to her heart, the cancer is somehow intertwined through that vein into her heart. Additionally, she has spots on her lungs, liver, spine, and she’s getting a brain scan tonight to see if it has spread to her brain. Every day I thank God for another beautiful day of blessings and I ask Him to be with those in need, but these past six weeks have been different. I’ve been begging. I beg during quiet reflection at school, I beg in the shower, I beg before I fall asleep and I beg after I wake up. I beg when my mind is idle. And I’m begging now. God, please. Thank you so much for all your many blessings. You have blessed me beyond what I deserve and for that I am humbled. Thank you for my health, my sight, my hearing, my smell, my taste, my ability to run. Thank you for the love of my life that I prayed for and you delivered 12 years ago. Thank you for my job helping kids and thank you for my friends and family who love me. Thank you for keeping them safe, happy, and healthy. But God, please. Please be with my Mama tomorrow and during her healing. Please help her not be scared. Please help her be brave. Please let her let go and know that it’s OK. Please don’t let her feel any pain. God, please let her be stronger after this. God, please don’t let her have any cancer in her brain. God, please. You have blessed Dr. Martha Terris with a gift – please continue to be with her, guide her, please help guide her hands, please be with the rest of her team, thank you for the wisdom that you have bestowed upon these special people. God, please let my Daddy be OK. As a father you’re supposed to be stoic and strong; please help him let go and FEEL and be OK with feeling and expressing those emotions. Please be with my little brother too, God, please don’t let him feel such hurt. Please let him know it’s gonna be OK. Please. And my poor, beautiful niece, she needs her Nana; she’s a wreck. God please help her know that it’s gonna be OK. God, please let it be OK. And God, thank you. Thank you for all the ways that you have humbled me these past six weeks. My students found out about this a while back because I was taking some time off to go to some appointments, and one day I got upset and told a class why. I have had sweet 11 and 12 year-olds come lay hands on me and pray for my mom. 6th graders that have humbled me. Asking about my Mama daily. God, thank you for allowing me to see the good in humans. So many people have been so sweet to me and my family and I just wish I could take all this joy, these feelings in my heart and give it to my mom to make her strong and give some to my dad to make him know it’s gonna be OK. Thank you to everyone that has reached out, even if it was just 5 seconds in the hall at school or a quick text: “How’s your mom?” Thank you for caring about me, and thank you for caring about her. Thank you to the parents of the kids I teach who have taught their children about prayer and how just a few sweet words or a touch of a hand can melt my heart and change a way of thinking. The tears I cry right now are not only for my fear for my mother and what the next few weeks will bring, but they’re also tears because I’m humbled by the goodness of people that I encounter on a daily basis. Sometimes I feel like my chest could burst/my heart could explode, I have a hard time holding it in. The joy, the pain… (sunshine, and rain – Lord, guess I need to stop this now; I’ve gone from prayers to singing Rob Base.) God, please. And thank you. Amen.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 02:18:23 +0000

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