Please see how the war propaganda of the US is framing the news - TopicsExpress


Please see how the war propaganda of the US is framing the news (CNN) in its favor in order to create a support for its home base to intervene in #Syria. By focusing on the takeover of a Christian town Maaloula and quoting the rebels "We cleansed Maaloula from all the Assad dogs and all his thugs” and linking it to the al-Nusra Front. The reality however is that by victimizing the Christians and linking the rebels to “terrorist elements” within the rebels in Syria the US is creating an unjust propaganda and shifting the focus away from the real crimes. Firstly by intentionally subordinating the fact that the onslaught of Muslims in Syria by the Assad regime is due to the support of the Christians among others for the Syrian regime. And secondly by linking the al Nusra front to a “terrorist” organization in order to justify its upcoming intervention. Whereas is in reality it is just a fraction within the rebel groups and does not differ in regard to the other groups and brigades within the Syrian opposition who are fighting to get rid of Assad and to bring Islam.
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 07:56:01 +0000

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