Please send loving words to Jennifer and her beautiful sweet pea! - TopicsExpress


Please send loving words to Jennifer and her beautiful sweet pea! I hope that it is ok to post this on this page. I have followed this page for quite some time. Not because I had a child who had been in the NICU but because I had friends who had. I would follow and read many of the stories and comments on her and pray for those who have-had a little on in the NICU. But Friday September 26, 2014 I gave birth via an emergency c-section to my daughter Kaylee Rae. We had a diagnoses of Einsteins Anomaly for our unborn child at 20 weeks. For 13 weeks we prayed and cried and were told that the out come probably would be a still born. Our cardiologist talked with us about her condition and we made it clear that we wanted to do an early c-section to try to save her. Now her condition is where the valves in her heart didnt form causing her blood to stay trapped in her heart. Which in turn caused her heart to swell to double in size. The fear the cardiologist had was her lungs being crushed and her not being able to breath on her own. If she was able to breath we had a chance...a small chance but non the less a chance. If she was not able to use her lungs there was nothing they could do. With that being explained... Friday September 26, 2014 , 33 weeks and 1 day into my pregnancy, I woke up at 7 am and woke my husband telling him I felt like something was wrong with the baby. By 2:30pm I hadnt felt her move so I decided to call my OB and they sent me to the hospital. I arrived at the hospital at 4:45 pm. At 5:30 pm my ob announce that they were going to do ca c-section and I was terrified! I didnt have time to even call my husband or anything. Luckily I was on the phone to my father when they told me so he was able to relay the message. I woke up from anesthesia at 6:30 pm and they doctors and nurses were telling me that it took an hour. But my baby had been whisked off to the NICU. When I got into the recovery room my husband and pastor walked in. The first words out of my husbands mouth were, She came out breathing on her own. I was so relieved. I sent him to be with her in the NICU when he returned to my room he told me she was fighting so hard that she was trying to breath over the oxygen machine. So they gave her some medicine to calm her so that her heart doesnt have to pump so hard. We were so worried and so devastated. She is 5 days old and have already over come so much. Still waiting to hear about surgery but she is fighting. So I posted this to see if I can get some feed back on the whole NICU life goes. We are so new to this and it is killing me not being there every moment with her. Any advice will help.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 02:35:26 +0000

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