Please sent a quick email to the school board - - TopicsExpress


Please sent a quick email to the school board - [email protected] - and the county board - [email protected] - and past these sentences: Dear School Board and County Board Members: Make Reed a neighborhood elementary school to ease the current and future overcrowding in North Arlington elementary schools. The CIP projects a seat deficit every single year until 2023, even after the county adds 1,305 new elementary seats in North Arlington. In 2023, the CIP projects a seat deficit of 686, and this number will be revised upward. Reed is centrally located in the area that is projected to grow and the area that is overcrowded now. It is a win-win solution.A new school at Reed will SOLVE the elementary overcrowding issue for North Arlington. It will also ease the pain of the boundary revision process, and preclude additional boundary changes in the future. Background - Arlington will add 1305 new seats to N. Arl schools over the next several years. These new seats do not keep up with increasing enrollment projections. The most recent boundary changes do not reflect estimated enrollments by school. Some are very overcapacity and are quite under. They need to even the enrollment at the schools. Even after, however, N Arl schools as a whole will be overcapacity. A new school at Reed, NOW, a walking K-2 neighborhood school, will ease the pain of this new boundary change. 11 classroom currently exist. And a full elementary school at the site very soon, could preclude additional boundary changes in the future. Everyone near Reed will be happy to walk their kids to school (fewer buses for the county also) and this school will ease overcrowding in this area (fewer trailers).
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 13:35:04 +0000

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